Sustainability and Transformation
Durch umfassendes Fachwissen und einen interdisziplinären Ansatz bilden wir Nachhaltigkeitsexpertinnen und -experten von morgen aus. Studierende aller Fachrichtungen und Studienabschlüsse ergänzen ihren ersten akademischen Berufsabschluss mit Fachwissen der Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft und werden so zu Neudenkern für Nachhaltige Entwicklung mit einem Abschluss als Master of Science (M.Sc.).
Start | Winter semester |
Admission Criteria | Unrestricted admission |
Application period | 15.04.2025 - 15.08.2025 |
Study format | Full time, with in-depth practical experience |
Study cost | None (only semester fee) |
Normal duration | 3 Semester |
Language | German |
ECTS | 90 |
Prospects after graduation
The Master's degree programme qualifies students for responsible roles in sustainable development in and between companies in all sectors and industries, non-profit organisations, public administration and politics, scientific institutions, civil society and individuals. The degree programme also enables you to gain specific qualifications for a particular professional field of activity in combination with the first academic degree you have already obtained.
After completing the Master's degree programme, you will be highly qualified for positions with titles such as Sustainability Management and Sustainability Officer. Or you can take on tasks that correspond to your first academic degree and are also related to sustainability.
Employers particularly value you because you understand the full complexity of sustainability requirements, develop innovative solutions and bring together different disciplines, stakeholders and their interests. This gives you the ideal basis for developing your career in various specialist or management roles and thus making a valuable long-term contribution to sustainable development.