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Weibliche und Männliche Studierende tauschen sich zu Nachhaltigkeitsthemen aus. Auf dem Tisch befinden sich Grafiken, Windradmodelle und Baupläne

Sustainability and Transformation

Durch umfassendes Fachwissen und einen interdisziplinären Ansatz bilden wir Nachhaltigkeitsexpertinnen und -experten von morgen aus. Studierende aller Fachrichtungen und Studienabschlüsse ergänzen ihren ersten akademischen Berufsabschluss mit Fachwissen der Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft und werden so zu Neudenkern für Nachhaltige Entwicklung mit einem Abschluss als Master of Science (M.Sc.).

Start Winter semester
Admission CriteriaUnrestricted admission
Application period 15.04.2025 - 15.08.2025
Study format Full time, with in-depth practical experience
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration3 Semester

Study start

Welcome dear first semester students! To give you the best possible start to your studies, you will find all the necessary information below. We wish you a good start and every success with your studies.

Ongoing study programme

All important information for and about your studies, such as group allocation, lecture plans or dates, can be found on the Current study programme page after logging in with your access data.

Ongoing study programme


Enclosed you will find important documents for your degree programme. The Study and Examination Plan (SPP) provides a detailed timetable for the course of your studies, including the sequence of modules and examinations to be completed. A module handbook (MHB) is a document that contains detailed information on the content, objectives, examination achievements and other relevant aspects of a particular study module. The Study Examination Regulations (SPO) define the formal framework conditions of a degree programme, such as the required modules, examination formats and dates as well as the standard period of study. These documents are crucial to ensure a structured and transparent course of study and to ensure that students acquire the required qualifications.

Prof. Dr. Markus Schmitt

Academic advisor