Final theses
Information, registrations, applications and other documents can be found on the Current study programme page.
Final theses
Semester abroad
You can find all documents relating to the semester abroad on the International Affairs page.
To the International page
Elective list of specialisation modules for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes
You can find all documents on module selection on the Current study programme page.
Documents for module selection
Project work in practice
All documents on project work in practice can be found on the page Ongoing study programmes.
Documents on project work in practiceElective list of specialisation modules for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes
You can find all documents on module selection on the Current study programme page.
Documents for module selectionFurther documents on general study topics
Here you will find further, centrally provided documents, applications and forms on general topics such as student union fees, student ID, exam registration, inability to take exams, recognition of academic achievements, practical semester, leave of absence or exmatriculation and much more.