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Our faculty stands for practice-oriented course content and future-oriented degree programmes. To ensure this, we are strongly networked and in constant dialogue with our partners from business, science and politics. We also maintain close cooperation with schools in order to inspire enthusiasm for technology at an early stage and thus counteract the shortage of skilled labour.

Schlüsselanhänger ET/WI, im Hintergrund ein collaborierender Roboter.
Vertreter von Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik diskutieren auf der Bühne zu E-Mobilität.

We deal with topics at the cutting edge

Our faculty is dedicated to current future topics, strongly networked and in constant dialogue with our partners from business, science and politics. In May 2023, for example, we organised the two-day VDE Bavaria Future Forum 2023 together with VDE Bavaria on the topic of "E-mobility - opportunities and challenges for the mobility transition" at Landshut University of Applied Sciences.

To the video of the VDE event
Eine Person trägt einen Handschuh.

Co-operations with companies

The Faculty fosters both international and national collaborations that enrich the academic environment. These strategic partnerships enable an exchange of knowledge, resources and ideas, thus promoting a global perspective in the Faculty's teaching and research.

Zwei Schülerinnen testen VR-Brillen in ihrer Schule.

School offers

It is important to the faculty to get pupils interested in technology at an early age. We therefore promote close cooperation with schools. Through various event formats, we provide theoretical and practical insights into the world of electrical engineering and industrial engineering or enrich lessons.

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Zwei Personen tauschen sich zu Lehrmethoden aus. Im Hintergrund Flipcharts mit Post-Its.

Teaching co-operations

The faculty maintains lively international and national teaching partnerships that enrich the educational programme. These partnerships enable a multifaceted exchange of teaching content, methods and expertise.