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Semester abroad

A semester abroad opens the door to new academic experiences and international perspectives. Take the opportunity to expand your studies on a global level!

Internationale Studierende sitzen im Park und lernen zusammen.

Selected partner universities of the Faculty of Electrical and Industrial Engineering

In co-operation with TTU, the Faculty of Electrical and Industrial Engineering offers special summer courses as block courses in August. These are selected technical courses in English, held by professors from TTU and Landshut University of Applied Sciences, some of which are recognised as regular coursework.

The cooperation with TTU is to be further expanded with regard to student exchanges.

Contact: Prof. Dr Christian Faber

To the website of the partner university

Landshut University of Applied Sciences is supporting SNU in setting up the Automotive Business and Technology degree programme. In China, Chinese students are also taught in German and have the opportunity to study for a few semesters in Germany, e.g. at Landshut University of Applied Sciences.

A student exchange programme is currently being prepared.

Contact: Prof. Dr Mathias Rausch

To the website of the partner university

Further partner universities

Studierende sitzen draußen an einem Enzo und unterhalten sich

Australia / New Zealand

  • RMIT University, Melbourne (Australia)
  • University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland (Australia)
  • University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Studierende stehen draußen und schauen auf einen Laptop


In Europe, we co-operate with a large number of partner universities in Ireland, Denmark, Finland, France, the Czech Republic, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Spain, Romania, Austria and Turkey.

Studierende sitzen im freien und unterhalten sich


  • Vancouver Island University (Canada)
  • Cal Poly Pomona, California (USA)
  • City University of Seattle (USA)
  • University of Wilmington (USA)
  • Westcliff University, Irvine (USA)
Gruppen von Studierenden stehen draußen und Unterhalten sich


  • Chinese-German Vocational College, Shanghai (Secondary Academy of STIEI) (China)
  • Shenzhen University (China)
  • Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
  • Asia Pacific University, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
  • National Taipei University (Taiwan)
Studierende unterhalten sich draußen

South Marika

  • Instituto Tecnologico Y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico
  • Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología, Peru

Further information

On the central pages of the International Office you will find further general information about the semester abroad, such as orientation, application, financing, insurance and language certificates.

To the website of the International Office


Further documents