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School offers

Experience technology!

The Faculty of Electrical and Industrial Engineering offers schools a wide range of opportunities to get their pupils interested in technology, gain practical insights and enrich lessons.

Viele Schülerinnen und Schüler testen Ausprobierstationen und informieren sich zu Studienmöglichkeiten.
Schülerin mit VR-Brille testet Anwendung im Bereich biomedizinische Technik. Im Hintergrund Monitor, Roll up und Exponate.

MINT Roadshow

With our MINT Roadshow, we are travelling to Bavaria's schools under the motto "Technology you can touch and try out". Pupils can find out about our study programmes and try their hand at numerous hands-on stations.

Schüler testet Anlage im Hybridlabor.


At the CheckING event, together with the Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, we showcase the exciting professional field of engineering. In practical and interactive workshops, students in the 11th - 13th grades of BOS, FOS and grammar schools are given interesting insights into the engineering profession. In small groups, they work together in a solution-orientated, active and creative way to solve global technical issues and immerse themselves in the world of innovative engineering. They are accompanied by the university's team of professors and staff.

Flyer zum Schulangebot der Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen "Wir machen Unterricht elektrifizierend".

We make lessons electrifying

We electrify the lessons with interesting lectures and exciting laboratory experiments and supplement the subject matter with practical insights and/or specific topic presentations and Q&A sessions with our team of professors - both on site and as an online classroom!

Zwei Personen tauschen sich zu Lehrmethoden aus. Im Hintergrund Flipcharts mit Post-Its.

Other central school programmes and events

Landshut University of Applied Sciences offers many other programmes for schools and information opportunities for prospective students.

Learn more