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New media and intercultural communication

The degree programme brings together two highly topical, relevant and diverse subjects. This results in a highly interdisciplinary degree programme that focuses on analysing, understanding and designing media in and for different cultural contexts. The degree programme builds on a broad general education and deepens
cultural anthropological, sociological, art historical and ethical topics, among others.

Start Winter semester
Admission CriteriaUnrestricted admission
Application period -
Study format Full time, with in-depth practical experience, Joint degree programme
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration7 Semester

    Programme content

    The "New Media and Intercultural Communication" degree programme combines the areas of:

    • Intercultural communication, with a focus on business, politics and social issues, as well as cultural anthropology
    • Social and media psychology
    • Media history, media theories and media skills
    • Fundamentals of applied economics
    • Art history
    • Creative Design

    If you are interested in a semester abroad, Landshut University of Applied Sciences also offers its students cooperation partners in European and non-European countries.

    Study programme

    The degree programme concludes after a standard period of study of 7 semesters and a total of 210 ECTS credits with the degree "Bachelor of Arts - B.A.". It is a full-time degree programme that starts once a year in the winter semester. Courses are taught in German and partly also in English. Introductions to the fundamental subject areas in the first semesters are followed by creative realisations, e.g. in the fields of journalism, art or marketing and their critical reflection. Storytelling is just as important as inclusion and cultural sensitivity. The subject areas of business, ethics and media research accompany the degree programme, as does the perfection or learning of two foreign languages. The 5th semester is an internship semester, which is ideally completed in a country of the compulsory foreign languages. The modules to be taken amount to around 30 credit points per semester and correspond to a workload of approx. 900 hours. This includes both attendance time in online and offline courses as well as time for studying literature and your own creative realisations, preparing presentations and examinations and writing assignments.


    In der Übersicht sowie im Modulhandbuch finden Sie einen Überblick über die jeweiligen Module pro Semester.


    The practical semester is an integral part of the degree programme. This includes a practical period in the company of 80 working days with a weekly working time of at least 38.5 hours. The practical period in the company is accompanied by a practical seminar lasting one semester hour per week and concludes with a large practical conference lasting a further semester hour per week. The internship conference in the winter semester 2023/24 will take place on Friday, 09.02.2024. BEFORE the start of the internship, we must receive the "Training contract for the practical semester". This must also be approved by us before the start of the internship.

    The practical semester has been successfully completed if

    • the practical time in the company is documented by a certificate from the training centre that includes the number of working days completed and
    • the performance records specified for the practical seminar have been completed in full.

    The internship certificate must be submitted to the administration of the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (to the attention of Claudia Walther) within 4 weeks of completing the internship.

    Prof. Dr. phil. Maja Tabea Jerrentrup

    Academic advisor