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Co-operations with companies

The faculty maintains both national and international co-operations with leading companies in order to create practical insights and career opportunities for our students. These partnerships not only strengthen the link between science and business, but also promote innovative research projects and the transfer of knowledge between the faculty and the corporate world.

Ein Dozierender erklärt drei Studierenden die Antriebsmechanik eines Mähdreschers

ANFA (Agence Nationale pour la Formation Automobile), France

The ANFA (Agence Nationale pour la Formation Automobile), based in Paris, is a national agency for training in the automotive industry in France. It plays a central role in promoting expertise and vocational training for the automotive industry. Since 2017, the Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering has maintained a close partnership with ANFA and the GARAC (école nationale des professions de l'automobile) to provide students with international experience in the field of automotive and commercial vehicle technology. As part of this collaboration, students work together with their French fellow students on various projects, which have now become an integral part of the degree programme.

To the website of the partner