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Bonding technology and composites

The laboratory, set up in accordance with the DVS guidelines for adhesive bonding training centres, offers space for up to twelve students for the "Adhesive Bonding Technology and Composites" or "Introduction to Composites" practical course.

Head:Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl Reiling
Room:F0 42
Phone:0871 506 369
Zwei Personen in weißer Laborkleidung und Schutzbrillen bei der Arbeit mit Spezialklebepistolen am Labortisch


The laboratory is equipped in accordance with the DVS guidelines for adhesive bonding training centres. The guidelines of the German Federal Aviation Office for the furnishing of fibre composite production rooms as well as the guidelines of the employers' liability insurance associations and the state accident insurance funds for handling hazardous substances are taken into account.

Up to twelve students can complete the "Adhesive Bonding Technology and Composites" or "Introduction to Composites" practical course at the same time, supervised by two professionally trained persons.