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Control and regulation technology

The equipment in the laboratory covers the three areas of robotics, control engineering and control technology.

Head:Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Jautze
Room:H0 18
Phone:0871 506 310
Mehrere Personen betrachten ein Robotersystem

The equipment in the control and regulation technology laboratory covers the three areas of robotics, control and regulation technology. Two robot systems from Mitsubishi are available for the robotics section. The RV-M1 system is used to learn robot programming using a teaching box, to create and simulate robot programmes and to test them on real test objects. The RV-E2 robot system is coupled with an image processing system that enables the automatic recognition of objects and the dynamic setpoint input to the robot system with the corresponding execution of the motion sequence. As a demonstration experiment, various geometric shapes are recognised and sorted into magazine containers by the robot system. A total of three PLC systems are available for the control technology area. One system is used to learn the PLC programming languages using simple demonstrators. The knowledge learnt can be deepened on a miniature production system from Festo Didactic with a total of two PLC controllers. This involves designing and implementing a system control for handling and sorting model workpieces.

A stationary and a mobile dSpace system (autobox) are available for processing tasks in the field of control engineering. With the help of Matlab/Simulink and the integrated dSpace tool chain, model-based controller design with the sub-steps of modelling and validation of the controlled system, controller design/synthesis and validation of the closed control loop is possible. A RapidPro unit, also from dSpace, is available for controlling actuators and reading in sensors. The equipment is completed by a triple pendulum, which can be used to design and test complex non-linear control algorithms.

Contact persons

Prof. Dr. Marcus Jautze

Vice President for Digitalisation, Start-ups and Training