Building infrastructure
- Gantry crane with a maximum load of 5 tonnes, forklift and pallet truck
- Ground-level access via roller shutter door (4 m x 4 m)

Biaxial testing machine
- 4x50 kN cylinder and force transducer

Universal tensile testing machine
- Zwick Z150
- maximum test load approx. 150 kN
- Integrated temperature chamber (-90 °C to 360 °C)
- multiXtense fine strain extensometer and other sensors

Magnetic high-frequency pulsator
- SincoTec Power Swing Mag Professional
- Maximum force range ±50 kN
- Various grips for round and flat specimens and components

Residual stress meter
- RS-200 Self-clamping drilling device from Vishay
- with adjusting microscope, high-speed air turbine and micrometre drilling depth adjustment
- RS-200-H-Drill software for evaluation
- 4-channel measuring amplifier

Servo-hydraulic test field
- Clamping field (2.5 m x 6 m), load frame and load bracket
- 65 t oscillating foundation on air springs, adjustable load frame
- Hydraulic unit (160 l/min)
- Flexible test stand software and measurement technology from Inova
- Actuators and sensors also for static tests and service life tests

Hydropuls load frame
- with temperature chamber -100 °C to 350 °C
- universally equippable with up to 100 kN cylinders

Image correlation system GOM Aramis 3D 12M
- Frame rate 24 Hz
- Camera resolution 4096x3072 pixels

- Hydraulic cylinders
from 7 kN
to 160 kN