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Vehicle systems and acoustics

The Vehicle Systems and Acoustics laboratory has three clamping fields, a crane and a specially designed and constructed anechoic chamber.

Head:Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Strohe
Room:J0 18

Zwei Studierende mit Köpfhörer bei der Schallpegelmessung mit einem Mikrophon auf einem Stativ in einer Fahrzeugkabine

In the Vehicle Systems and Acoustics laboratory, three clamping fields and a crane are available, which can be used to create various superstructures and test acoustic behaviour.

The test specimens can be excited with different frequencies and amplitudes to determine frequency responses.

Hammer measurements and mode analyses can also be carried out.

A specially designed and constructed anechoic chamber is available.
Sensors such as microphones and accelerometers are used as the measuring system. The measured values are recorded and analysed using the software and hardware of a real-time capable multi-input system (PAK from Müller-BBM).

Students learn how to use the systems as part of their project work and final theses, receive full support for the evaluation directly from the manufacturer and are always given current tasks from neighbouring companies.

Contact persons

Prof. Dr. Manfred Strohe

Professor, Head of the BA Automotive Engineering programme, Head of the MA Automotive and Commercial Vehicle Technology programme