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Digitalisation, Process Optimisation & Management

The study programme offers training in the three pillars of Business, Optimization/IT and Process Management. In addition to traditional business management topics, the programme focuses in particular on topics such as Algorithms, Mobile & Web Applications, Data Science & Machine Learning, Operations Research and Processes & Simulation and provides insights into new technologies. The programme's content is aimed at preparing students for the increasingly digitalised economy, in which there is a clear focus on process optimization.

Start Winter semester
Admission CriteriaUnrestricted admission
Application period 15.04.2025 - 15.07.2025
Study format Full time, with in-depth practical experience
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration7 Semester

Business Informatics

Business Informatics is the science of the design, development and application of computerised information and communication systems and technologies in companies and administrations to support their business processes. The Business Information Systems competence module deals with the relevance of business software, in particular ERP systems, and the digital transformation in production and logistics, which the digitalisation megatrend is bringing about as far-reaching changes in industry.

Business Informatics I

The competence module Business Informatics I teaches the relevance of business software for companies, in particular ERP systems, basic concepts, standards of ERP systems, in particular the orientation towards business processes, the relevance of these systems for efficient automation and their transformative effects on the world of work. Using a selected software system, the functions, opportunities and risks as well as the relevance of control systems for the effective management of these systems are demonstrated.


  • - Basic functions of ERP systems using the example of SAP S/4HANA
  • - Mapping of the company structure (customising)
  • - Process case studies: Sales and Distribution (SD), Material Management (MM), Production Planning and Control (PP)
  • - Detailed analysis of selected activities (e.g. model-based forecasting, calculation of manufacturing costs, FI/CO integration)
  • - Effects on role models and decision-making processes
  • - Elements of the internal control system


  • - SAP system (SAP S/4HANA with Fiori UI) and SAP online documentation
  • - Case study descriptions and slide sets
  • - SAP GBI Process video playlists

Business Informatics II

The second part of the Business Informatics competence module focuses on the digital transformation in production and logistics. Digitalisation is a megatrend that is bringing about far-reaching changes in society and industry. The digital transformation in the production environment is described as the fourth industrial revolution. Along the digital automation pyramid, modern systems of a networked value chain are dealt with and AI-supported applications in production and logistics are discussed. In addition, the requirements for digital working environments are presented and discussed. After completing the module, participants will be able to identify the challenges of digital transformation in the industrial environment, outline a modern digital system world, weigh up the opportunities and risks of AI-supported systems in production and logistics and assess the challenges of digital working environments.


  • - Introduction to the digital transformation in society and industry
  • - Fundamentals of digitalisation in production and logistics
  • - Modern digital systems in a networked value chain
  • - AI-supported applications in the industrial environment
  • - Implementation of the digital transformation in modern production systems
  • - Digital production planning for the factory of the future
  • - Digital change in the world of work

Responsible for the Competence module Business Informatics

Prof. Dr. Dieter Greipl
Prof. Dr. Philipp Michaeli

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Prof. Dr. Maren Martens

Academic advisor