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Dingolfing Campus: Sustainable Industrial Operations and Business

Exchange students have the opportunity to take courses on the English-language Sustainable Industrial Operations and Business degree programme at the Dingolfing campus. The town of Dingolfing is around 30 kilometres from Landshut and can be reached by public transport. More information about the campus can be found here.

English Courses

LecturerDr Christin David
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits6
SemesterWinter Semester
Module NumberSIOB100
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid

Students get thorough knowledge of the relevant subjects for industrial engineering
Mathematical terms, laws and calculation methods.

Skills and competences:

  • Ability to confidently apply this knowledge to tasks in different profes-
    sional fields for industrial engineers
  • Training in practice-oriented mathematical ways of thinking and develop-
    ment of abstraction skills
    Contents - General basics (equations, inequalities, systems of equations, vector
  • Functions and curves (General function properties, Coordinate transfor-
    mations, Integral rational functions, Broken rational functions, Algebraic
    functions, Trigonometric functions, Arc functions, Exponential functions,
    Logarithmic functions, Hyperbolic functions)
  • Complex numbers (definition and representation of a complex number,
    complex calculus, applications of complex calculus)
  • Differential calculus with one variable (derivative of a function, derivative
    rules, applications of differential calculus)
  • Taylor series

LecturerDr Christin David
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits5
SemesterWinter Semester
Module NumberSIOB110
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid


  • Overview of the important topics in electrical engineering
  • Knowledge of the important terms and quantities of electrical
    engineering from the following four sub-areas: Direct current networks,
    electric fields, magnetic fields, alternating current networks
  • Knowledge of the important formulae that relate the electrical
    engineering quantities to each other (e.g. Ohm's law).


  • Ability to analyse basic electrotechnical facts and express them
    quantitatively with the help of appropriate formulae
  • Ability to check the plausibility of the calculation results with the help of
    qualitative estimation


  • In-depth understanding of the laws of electrical engineering
  • Possibility of critical evaluation of statements on electrotechnical facts
  • Possibility of further education and deepening in professional practice
    based on self-selected literature
  • Contents - DC circuit
  • Electric field
  • Magnetic field
  • Equalisation processes in the RC and RL circuits.
  • AC circuit

LecturerDr Christin David
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits5
SemesterWinter Semester
Module NumberSIOB120
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid


  • Knowledge of basic terms of business administration and economics
  • Knowledge of the significance and tasks of the operational functional areas as well as the most important economic sectors in the economic cycle and their fundamental interrelationships


  • Mastery of elementary business and economic methods


  • Ability to assess the complexity of operational and economic processes
  • Ability to transfer the economic way of thinking to different business and
    economic situations

Contents Business administration:

  • Goals, objectives and operational factors of production
  • Facility location, forms of business ownership, organisational structure and operational processes
  • Procurement, manufacturing, sales, investments and financing
  • Human resource management, leadership


  • Supply and demand and economic policy measures
  • Efficient markets and economic cycle and national income
  • Production and growth
  • Monetary and fiscal policy and the monetary system.

LecturerProf. Dr Reinhold Kohler
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits7
SemesterWinter Semester
Module NumberSIOB130
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
Programme FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid


  • Knowledge of basic terms of business administration and economics
  • Knowledge of the significance and tasks of the operational functional areas as well as the most important economic sectors in the economic cycle and their fundamental interrelationships


  • Mastery of elementary business and economic methods


  • Ability to assess the complexity of operational and economic processes
  • Ability to transfer the economic way of thinking to different business and
    economic situations

Contents Business administration:

  • Goals, objectives and operational factors of production
  • Facility location, forms of business ownership, organisational structure and operational processes
  • Procurement, manufacturing, sales, investments and financing
  • Human resource management, leadership


  • Supply and demand and economic policy measures
  • Efficient markets and economic cycle and national income
  • Production and growth
  • Monetary and fiscal policy and the monetary system.

LecturerDr Christin David
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits6
SemesterSummer Semester
Module NumberSIOB150
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid

Students get thorough knowledge of the mathematical terms, laws and calculation methods relevant to industrial engineering.

Skills and competences:

  • Ability to confidently apply this knowledge to tasks in different professional fields for industrial engineers
  • Training in practice-oriented mathematical ways of thinking and development of abstraction skills

Contents Analysis and linear algebra:

  • Integral calculus with one variable
  • Fourier series
  • Linear algebra
  • Fundamentals of linear optimization
  • Differential and integral calculus for functions with several variables
  • Ordinary differential equations


  • Descriptive statistics
  • Probability calculation
  • Probability distributions
  • Conclusive statistics, statistical test methods

LecturerDr Christin David
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits7
SemesterSummer Semester
Module NumberSIOB160
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid


  • of physical basics of mechanical, thermodynamic, optical and electrical
  • in application of physical laws to the solution of real-world problems.

Skills and competences:

  • ability to correctly identify and categorise the physics basics of technical
  • capability to understand dependences between different aspects of technical applications,
  • capability to analyse and visualize physical equations,
  • skills in carrying out simple physical calculations.


  • Physics in moving reference frames: inertial forces, centrifugal force, Coriolis force.
  • Conservation laws in physics: mechanical work, forms of energy, conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, elastic and inelastic collisions, conservation of angular momentum, conservation of charge, conservation of mass.
  • The structure of matter: atom models, elementary particles, chemical elements, atomic bonds, molecules, crystals, states of matter, solids, metals, ceramics, amorphous solids, polymers, composite materials, liquids, hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, surface tension, capillary effect, gases, atmosphere, ideal gas.
  • Thermodynamics: temperature, temperature scales, kinetic-molecular theory, ideal-gas law, heat, the laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic processes, cycle processes, heat engines.
  • Harmonic oscillations and waves: one-dimensional harmonic motion,
    damped and forced oscillations, wave equation, harmonic waves, reflection, standing waves, sound, perception of sound, sound level, Doppler effect, interference and diffraction.
  • Optics: spectrum of light, refraction, transmission and refraction at surfaces, polarisation, total reflection, lenses, optical instruments, wave optics, interference, diffraction.
  • Exercises: appr. 30 problems with solutions and discussion during exercise

LecturerDr Christin David
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits
SemesterSummer Semester
Module NumberSIOB170
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
Programme FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid


  • Description of the manufacture of electronic devices
  • Description of electrical components by characteristic curves
  • Knowing important circuit symbols
  • Knowing important limit values
  • Description of the electrical function of important semiconductor components
  • Explain some basic circuits of electronics (rectifier, smoothing, MOSFET as switch/amplifier, basic OPV circuits).
  • Description of the conversion between analogue and digital signals
  • Knowing the basics and simple circuits of digital technology


  • Application of knowledge and laws about limit values to component selection
  • Analyse and draw simple circuits
  • Dealing with formulas, calculation methods and data sheets from engineering practice
  • Application of graphical solution methods based on characteristic curves
  • Evaluate a digitisation in terms of dynamics and sampling frequency
  • Optimising logic circuits with regard to the number of gates

The students are familiar with the concepts of electronics and measurement technology and can assess these independently in their later engineering practice in their professional field.

  • Contents Production of electronic circuits (development process, electronics design automation, PCB production, interconnection technologies, soldering processes, error probabilities).
  • Limit values (safe operating area, thermal resistance, handling of data
    sheets, dimensioning of heat sinks)
  • Diode and its applications (Shockley equation, characteristic curve, limit values, data sheets, designs, half-wave rectifier, bridge rectifier, smoothing capacitor, light-emitting diode, photodiode, solar cell)
  • MOSFET (function, characteristic curve, limit values, data sheets, designs, MOSFET as switch for resistive and inductive loads, MOSFET as amplifier)
  • Operational amplifier (function of ideal/real OPV, principle of negative feedback, non-inverting/inverting amplifier, summer, integrator, differentiator. Cut-off frequency, slew rate)
  • Analogue-to-digital converter/digital-to-analogue converter (mode of operation, quantisation error, sampling theorem)
  • Digital technology (logic gates, CMOS technology, switching networks, switching units)

LecturerDr Christin David
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits5
SemesterSummer Semester
Module NumberSIOB180
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
Programme FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid


  • Knowledge of the structure, outputs and results of a compiled programming language
  • Understanding of the typical ways of thinking in software development.

Skills and competences:

  • Ability to write simple and complex programs in the procedural language
  • Ability to deal with a modern development environment

Contents Programming in C/C++:
Expressions/instructions (evaluation sequence, blocks);

  • Input/Output and Elementary
  • Operators and preprocessor
  • Control structures as well as arrays and pointers
  • Functions and parameter transfers
  • More complex data types and data structures;
  • Algorithms for advanced topics
  • Important functions of the standard and mathematical library;
  • File handling

LecturerProf. Dr Martin Prasch
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits5
SemesterWinter Semester
Module NumberSIOB190
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid


  • Knowledge of basic automation technology terms and the importance of automation technology and its possible applications
  • Understanding of the structure of automation systems and how it works
  • Knowledge of the benefits of automating systems and the challenges in the implementation


The students apply their knowledge to make a rough planning of simple automation systems.
Their knowledge also enables them to design and implement simple PLC programs.


Students will be able to analyse technical processes and evaluate the feasibility of automation.
They are able to estimate the effort required for implementation.


  • Importance of automation and automation objects
  • Design of automation systems and requirements for them
  • Functionality of automation computers
  • Interfaces of the automation computers to the process
  • Industrial communication technology
  • Structure and function of a PLC
  • Cyclic programme processing and response time
  • Addressing inputs and outputs and the memory
  • Basics of programming languages
  • Storing functions, edges and timers

LecturerProf. Dr Martin Prasch
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits6
SemesterWinter Semester
Module NumberSIOB200
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid

The students gain knowledge in the field of networks for data and telecommunications with deeper focus on the tools and concepts of IoT and application areas

Skills and competences:

  • identify communication protocols
  • describe technologies used for data communication and mobile communication
  • understanding differences between technologies and protocols
  • describe technological basics of the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • describing the use of IoT and outline data communication


  • Fundamentals of Standards on the Internet: History, organisation, committees, standards.
  • Basics of computer networks: ISO/OSI reference model, protocols of the TCP/IP stack, DNS, HTTP
  • Local area networks: Ethernet, WAN, WIFI
  • Telecommunication: DSL, fibre and mobile communication (e.g.GSM,VoIP, LTE)
  • Concepts and tools of IoT: The main current application areas; elements of networking; typical actuators and sensors; protocols (esp. MQTT) and interoperability Industry 4.0, etc) to be implemented.

LecturerProf. Dr Martin Prasch
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits6
SemesterWinter Semester
Module NumberSIOB210
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid


  • Overview of the operational processes of industrial production of goods.
  • Fundamentals of procurement and purchasing
  • Knowledge of the fundamentals of manufacturing, of different production
    types and of basic manufacturing strategies
  • Knowledge of production planning and control processes
  • Basic knowledge of logistics: from transport systems to internal and
    cross-company integrating supply chains


  • Performing ABC analysis, BoM explosion
  • Calculation of cost of purchasing and transportation costs
  • Calculation of optimal lot sizes and through put time


  • Solve basic problems of manufacturing optimisation
  • Discuss adjustment decisions in practices

Contents Procurement:
Supplier management, make-or-buy decisions and sourcing strategies

  • Types of production processes
  • Concepts of production planning and control
  • Production programme planning, material requirements planning, order scheduling and release and comparison of production control concepts


  • Systems of transport, storage, handling and order-picking
  • Procurement, production and distribution logistics
  • Concepts of logistics: JIT, KANBAN, cross-docking etc.

LecturerProf. Dr Kohler
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits5
SemesterWinter Semester
Module NumberSIOB220
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid

Upon completion of the module, students know the basic concepts of marketing and are able to understand and analyse markets and customer behaviour in B2B markets. Based on this knowledge, they are able to educe recommendations regarding the marketing core tasks (4Ps) in a given context/ for a given case. The students understand the structure, processes and the interdependencies within technical sales and are able to describe and evaluate specific sales tasks.


  • Introduction: Definitions, classification B2C and B2B, core assignments in marketing
  • B2B marketing: characteristics and business types
  • Market - competition - own corporation:
    o Market research and market analysis
    o Market segmentation / target group analysis
    o Systematic competition analysis incl. 5forces analysis
    o Positioning and aspects of customer value / benefit
    o Market cycle: analysis and controlling
    o STEEP analysis, Strength/weakness analysis and SWOT analysis
  • Operational marketing tasks: 4Ps in B2B context
    o Product: structure, definition and life cycle
    o Price: pricing definition and strategies and their effect on the company's profitability and
    o Basic distribution concepts
    o Marketing communication: basic principles and options
  • Sales Management (focus on B2B markets)
    o Sales and distribution options
    o Structure of sales organisations incl. key account management
    o Structure of sales processes incl. after sales

LecturerProf. Dr Kohler
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits5
SemesterWinter Semester
Module NumberSIOB230
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid


  • Understanding of internal accounting
  • Knowledge of cost allocation methods
  • Understanding decision-related costs
  • Understanding of the enterprise as a profit- and loss-generating organisation with capital and asset endowment
  • Knowledge of the interrelationships of inventory and flow variables in a business and the expenditure/income effects
  • Understanding how a company's profit for the period is generated


  • Understanding costing, budgeting and planning
  • Distinguish and differentiate between full cost and partial cost perspectives
  • Understanding of the booking technique and selected basic
  • Year-end closing


  • Carry out and interpret various profitability calculations
  • Ability to implement different approaches to cost management and discuss their advantages/disadvantages
  • Ability to analyse and interpret financial statements of individual companies and groups of companies


  • Basics and basic terms as well as cost type accounting
  • Cost centre accounting and cost unit accounting
  • Full and partial cost accounting systems
  • Standard costing and activity-based costing
  • Target costing
  • Tasks and areas of industrial accounting
  • Introduction to industrial accounting

LecturerProf. Dr Martin Prasch
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits5
SemesterSummer Semester
Module NumberSIOB240
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid


  • to create and understand technical drawings,
  • about the application possibilities of CAD systems,
  • for the design of components,
  • about important machine elements, their function and application,
  • basic tasks, methods and procedures of product development.

Skills and competences:

  • sketch components/assemblies and represent them in a technical drawing
    in accordance with standards,
  • represent components/assemblies with the aid of a 3D CAD system and
    derive drawings and parts lists from them,
  • select and design machine elements according to specifications,
  • to work out solutions for practice-oriented, constructive tasks under
    consideration of the rules of force-flow-appropriate, material-appropriate,
    production-appropriate and assembly-appropriate design.

Contents Lessons and exercises:

  • Tasks of design and development as well as their integration into the
    company processes and organisation
  • Technical drawing:
    Standardised representation, dimensioning and labelling; dimensional,
    shape and positional tolerances; fits; surface finishes; types of drawing;
    two- and three-sheet projection; cuts and unwindings.
  • Machine elements:
    Structure and application guidelines of selected machine elements: Rolling bearings; Springs; Shafts/axles; Screws; Shaft-hub connections; Gears.
  • Design:
    Solution finding; economic efficiency calculation; standard series; design
    suitable for force flow, material, production and assembly; influence of
    surfaces and fits.
  • Design methodology and development process:
    Methodological procedures: V-model, simultaneous engineering, VDI
    2221; tools for target-oriented solution search: list of requirements, functi-
    onal/effective structures, morphological box.

LecturerProf. Dr Martin Prasch
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits5
SemesterSummer Semester
Module NumberSIOB250
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
Programme FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid


  • Classification of manufacturing processes, differentiation between production engineering and process engineering and energy technology
  • Means and methods by which discrete products are manufactured, in particular:
    o Manufacturing process
    o Archetypes
    o Forming
    o Separate
    o Joining
    o Coating
    o Change substance properties
    o Generative manufacturing processes
    o Handling and chaining
  • Knowledge of the cost drivers of the above-mentioned manufacturing processes
  • Knowledge of important boundary conditions and restrictions of the above-mentioned manufacturing processes
  • Knowledge of the possibilities for scaling the above-mentioned production processes with regard to output quantity and workpiece size as well as flexibility with regard to variants.
  • Basics of production system design: Definition of work systems, production type and process principle
  • Concept of product-determining data and selected specifications


  • Analysis of technical drawings with regard to essential product features determining the manufacturing process chain
  • Analysis of job data with regard to information relevant for work system design


  • Ability to derive fundamentally suitable manufacturing methods and process chains for typical workpieces on the basis of important product determining data and order data
  • Ability to determine the production type and process principle on the basis of essential order data and product structure features
  • Contents General basics:
    o Definition and classification of production engineering and its distinction from process and energy engineering
    o Classification of manufacturing processes according to DIN 8580
    o Marking of important product-determining data on technical drawings: Dimensional, form and positional tolerances, roughness, indication of treatment specifications
  • Manufacturing process:
    Casting process for metal:
    o Foundry basics, requirements for the design of moulds and products, overview of casting materials, advantages and disadvantages of the process group.
    o Mould structure
    o Mould making and casting processes and their classification
    o Sequence, process identifiers, scaling and example components of selected processes
  • Powder metallurgy:
    o Basics: powder production, shaping by pressing or MIM, sintering and post-processing
    o Requirements for the design of moulds and products, overview of the sintering classes, advantages and disadvantages of the process group, example components.
  • Primordial moulding of polymers:
    o Basics: Overview of polymer materials, foams and fibre composites
    o Overview of moulding processes in plastics processing
    o Important primary forming processes according to material groups:
    Sequence, process codes, scaling and example components
  • Generative manufacturing processes:
    o Basic principle and classification of the procedures, areas of application and procedure codes
    o Presentation of selected processes: Process principle, materials, process designations and areas of application
  • Forming manufacturing processes:
    o Basic principle of forming. Influence of forming degree and temperature on the process, classification of the processes, areas of application and process characteristics, comparison of forming with metal-cutting shaping, including environmental aspects.
    o Presentation of important processes in solid, sheet and wire forming
    o Tool design using the example of a shaft blank
  • Separating manufacturing processes:
    o Basic principles of cutting, chipping and removal
    o Sequence of the machining process, cutting materials, kinematics and cutting forces using the example of turning, machine straight line and tool life, economic significance of machining
    o Machining with geometrically defined and geometrically undefined cutting edge: important processes, their areas of application and process symbols, examples of workpieces and machine tools
    o Ablation by electrical discharge machining, laser and waterjet: areas of application and process characteristics, examples of workpieces and machine tools
  • Joining manufacturing processes:
    o Classification of joining processes
    o Important joining methods for non-positive, positive and material-fit connections: Fields of application and process codes, examples of workpieces and machine tools
  • Manufacturing processes Coating:

o Classification and significance of the coating processes
o Integration of coating into the manufacturing process chain
o Environmental relevance: Degree of solid use and solvent content
o Important processes: Fields of application and process codes, examples of workpieces and equipment

  • Manufacturing processes change material properties:
    o Metallurgical fundamentals using the example of the iron-carbon system
    o Heat treatment processes for steels: Classification of heat treatment processes (thermal, thermochemical, thermomechanical), heat treatment objectives, process sequence, equipment.
  • Manufacturing process chains
    o Definition and process elements, boundary conditions of work planning in single-item and series production, basics of evaluation and selection of alternative manufacturing process chains
    o Manufacturing process chain planning methodology
    o Selected examples of manufacturing process chains: cast housing, smooth shafts, stepped shafts, splined shafts, machined flange
  • Handling and chaining:
    o Handling and linking in assembly and manufacturing: Principles, subprocesses, facilities
  • Production systems:
    o Work systems: Definition and design features Manufacturing type and process principle
    o Presentation of important manufacturing types and process principles:
    Characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, application according to quantities and component mass.
    o Flow production: Determination of customer cycle and line balancing, availability
    o Trends in modern production systems: Integration and coupling of subsystems, importance of buffers and bearings

LecturerProf. Dr Martin Prasch
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits5
SemesterSummer Semester
Module NumberSIOB260
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid

The students know the basics of the technical-economic interrelationships of the energy industry, renewable energies as well as essential characteristics of each value creation stage.

  • They are able to apply economic criteria in the procurement, transport and delivery of heat and electrical energy. Based on what they have learnt, the students can work on case studies in a practical and interactive way.
  • Cognition of boundary conditions, structures and processes of today's and the future energy industry with a focus on the electricity industry.


  • Fundamentals of the energy industry
  • Generation and transport of electricity, load curves, delivery to industrial and end customers
  • Structure and functioning of a liberalised electricity market, unbundling, regulation
  • Power trading, EEX power exchange, Derivatives Market, Spot Market
  • Contracts, pricing
  • Energy law framework conditions, laws and regulations in Germany and the EU
  • Promotion of renewable energies

LecturerProf. Dr Martin Prasch
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits5
SemesterSummer Semester
Module NumberSIOB270
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid


  • Standards, players and interventions as constitutive subsystems of sustainable development
  • Basic patterns of dynamics within these subsystems


  • Analysis, description and explanation of the dynamics within the subsystems
  • Identify and justify fundamental alternatives to traditional patterns of unsustainable development in technology, economics, politics and culture.


  • Outlining future concepts on the basis of the three subsystems
  • Recognise the need for inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation
  • Development of procedures for initiating inter- and transdisciplinary work



  • Ecological carrying capacity: Earth history / Earth system / planetary, regional and local boundaries / tipping points / human species
  • Social equity: concepts of justice / operationalisation approaches / distributional issues on wealth, income and power
  • Economic performance: performance concepts / supply, welfare, provision and prosperity / limits to growth
  • Interaction of the three standards
    Groups of players:
    o Civil society: classification / emergence, organisation, development / significance
    o Policy: essence, forms, processes / sustainability initiatives
    o Science: tasks and limits / transformative science / sustainability science
    o Individual: responsibility / participation / psychology of sustainability
    o Companies: Types / sustainability strategies / sustainability-oriented business models
  • Interaction of the five groups of players
  • Types of intervention:
    o cultural: values, norms, meaning / creativity and art / education / routines
    o political-institutional: concept of institution / legal systems (especially of the EU and Germany) / environmental, social and economic law / corporate governance
    o economic (in the sense of macroeconomic): Ecological economics / circular economy, post-growth economy, degrowth, common good economy / entrepreneurial initiatives.
    o technological: terms and systematics / history and philosophy of technology / consequences of technology / key technologies of sustainable development
    o Interaction of the four types of intervention
  • Application examples
    Outlook: Transformations and future scenarios

LecturerProf. Dr Martin Prasch
Type of courselecture
ECTS credits5
SemesterSummer Semester
Module NumberSIOB280
Admission RequirementsB2 Level in English
FormatCampus Dingolfing/Hybrid

Students understand the principles of projects and project management. They are able to effectively work in projects and to manage and lead simple or small projects on their own.


  • relevant terms and methods related to project management
  • characteristics of projects
  • basic leadership and management principles for project managers
  • how to use project management software


  • define project scope and targets
  • plan project schedules, resources and cost
  • conduct and monitor stakeholder and risk management
  • conduct project controlling

Besides, students learn how to organise tasks by applying efficient time management and result-oriented way of working. Students will be enabled to successfully apply for the optional "Basiszertifikat
Projektmanagement GPM" of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement (GPM), which is the German chapter of the International Project Management Association (IPMA).


  • introduction to project management
  • project definition and target specification
  • project organisation
  • Stakeholder and risk management
  • planning of project phases, schedules, milestones, resources and cost
  • introduction to project controlling and earned value analysis
  • important processes of project management
  • introduction to leadership
  • project management software

The content follows the Individual Competence Baseline 4.0 of the International Project Management Association (IPMA).