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University certificate WilMa

Scientific Practice and Management

Auf schwarzem Hintergrund ist eine Hand zu sehen, die eine Glühbirne hält. In der Glühbirne ist ein Dokturhut und außen herum sind verschiedene Icons zu sehen.

The certificate

The university certificate "Scientific Practice and Management" addresses research assistants and doctoral candidates and is located at the Faculty of Electrical and Industrial Engineering. By participating in this certificate, people acquire competences in scientific work as well as scientific practice and research management.

All persons who wish to take the certificate are enrolled at Landshut University of Applied Sciences after the qualification requirements have been checked. For the upcoming winter term the enrollment phase ends August 31, 2024.

Examination regulations WilMa (in German)

Content and process

The certificate comprises compulsory and elective modules of 10 ECTS points in total. We offer compulsory modules at least once a year and these account for 4 ECTS points. Compulsory elective modules from each compulsory elective module category must be taken in the respective scope. The examination schedule with module handbook contains more detailed information on the different modules. All modules are assessed as "successfully completed" or "unsuccessfully completed".

The aim of the certificate is to accompany doctoral studies or research activities. It is possible to start in the summer or winter term. The standard period of study is six semesters. You may apply for necessary extensions; the examination regulations specify further details. In each semester, you have to successfully complete modules totalling at least 0.5 ECTS points. Further, you have to take the compulsory modules within four semesters.

Module handbook (in German)

Requirements and possibilities

Those wishing to take part in the certificate must either have a university degree and a planned doctorate to be started within one year or a proof of an ongoing doctorate or an employment as a research assistant. For more detailed requirements see the examination regulations. If you want to participate, please contact the Graduate Center.

On application and with the relevant evidence, you may credit study and examination achievements from other programmes or practical skills. To do so, submit the respective applications and evidences to the examination board for review. The examination regulations contain extensive information. Competences acquired outside the university or academic field may not replace more than half of the modules. You have to complete at least one module at Landshut University of Applied Sciences.