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Digitalisation as a cross-cutting issue

Landshut University of Applied Sciences is becoming increasingly digital and has now upgraded two lecture theatres with the latest technology to enable hybrid formats

Digitalisation is a top priority at Landshut University of Applied Sciences and the Bavarian Minister of Digital Affairs Judith Gerlach was able to see this for herself during a visit to the campus in the summer semester. While the focus was primarily on the presentation of the new “Digital Administration Management” course, Prof. Dr Marcus Jautze, Vice President for Digitalisation, Start-ups and Further Training, summarised the other extensive digitalisation measures at Landshut University of Applied Sciences.

One key component of this, among other things, is the piloted upgrading of two lecture theatres in building C with the very latest technology. “This will improve the already very good study conditions at our campus,” explains Jautze. The rooms, which are equipped with ceiling microphones, cameras and screens with integrated whiteboard function, among other things, are available for classroom teaching on the one hand, but can also be used for hybrid event formats at the same time. Lecturers have the option to hold their lectures and seminars for both the students on site and those at home or on the road. “

Digitalisation of the spatial infrastructure is an important prerequisite to develop more flexible, new teaching/learning formats,” emphasises Prof. Dr Silvia Dollinger, Vice President for Studies and Teaching. “As a result, we are meeting the needs of our lecturers, researchers and students.” Once the pilot phase has been completed successfully, other digital rooms are planned. Frank Bernhard, Head of the Building Management Department, Georg König, Electrical Engineer and Florian Federmann, Laboratory Engineer, are responsible for the technical equipment.

University in the implementation phase of targeted measures

Digital development is evident in many other places at Landshut University of Applied Sciences. The university administration is in the midst of the implementation phase for the “PRIMUSS” campus management system and “SAP” in the finance department. But researchers at Landshut University of Applied Sciences have been steadily working on more digital projects in the field of research for some time. Augmented reality methods for operations, wearables in the medical sector or digital twins for transport systems are just some of the topics currently on the agenda. The “Weih.FIS” research information system is also in the introduction phase.

Teaching and learning platforms were already intensively expanded by the university during the COVID-19 pandemic. The “Digitales Studieren Bayern" (Digital Studies in Bavaria) project has been offering the ideal combination of studying on campus and online for several years. Teaching locations in Tirschenreuth, Hauzenberg and Straubing serve as contact points for students in the region. However, it is also possible to just attend courses online. Making it much easier to reconcile studying with work and a family.

Another important pillar for Landshut’s campus is the topic of start-ups, where digitalisation is becoming increasingly significant and relevant. To address this, the university has set up the two innovation laboratories for “Internet of Things” and “Artificial Intelligence” and works in close cooperation with LINK, the city of Landshut’s start-up centre.

Constant further development at Landshut University of Applied Sciences Digitalisation is a cross-cutting issue that covers many areas at the university. The focus is on the further development of research and teaching. The Presidential Board already restructured itself in 2020 and established the topic of digitalisation, among other things, in the form of a Vice-President post, in order to ensure that all forces are joined accordingly, and synergies can be created and used for this strategically important area of action.

Photo: Landshut University of Applied Sciences

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