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Joint course of the Bachelor's degree programmes in Tax Consulting and Digitalisation & Founding a Company

In a joint course of the Bachelor's degree programmes in Tax Consulting and Digitalisation & Founding a Company, the students of Prof. Dr. Thomas Zinser (Tax) and Prof. Dr. Bernd Mühlfriedel (Entrepreneurial Finance) had the opportunity to learn about the theory and practice of good financial and HR due diligence in a workshop organized by the renowned law firm RSM Ebner Stolz together with the M&A consulting firm omegaconsulting.

In a joint course of the Bachelor's degree programmes in Tax Consulting and Digitalisation & Founding a Company, the students of Prof. Dr. Thomas Zinser (Tax) and Prof. Dr. Bernd Mühlfriedel (Entrepreneurial Finance) had the opportunity to learn about the theory and practice of good financial and HR due diligence in a workshop organized by the renowned law firm RSM Ebner Stolz together with the M&A consulting firm omegaconsulting. Due diligence is the comprehensive, systematic examination and analysis of a company or project in order to assess risks, opportunities and all relevant financial, legal, operational and strategic aspects before an investment or purchase decision is made. Put simply, the purpose of due diligence is not to “buy a pig in a poke”, but to obtain an accurate picture of the acquisition object. Financial and HR due diligence are essential parts of this, as they provide more clarity about the earnings, cash flow and human resources strengths, the asset, debt and personnel structure as well as possible financial and personnel risks of the target company.