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Great interest in doctoral programmes in Landshut

Launch of the Graduate Centre at Landshut University of Applied Sciences attracts many interested parties

Last week, Landshut University of Applied Sciences took a historic step towards completing its academic qualifications following the official awarding of the right to award doctorates to the doctoral centres in October 2023. The Graduate Centre, which is currently being established, held a kick-off event to provide information about the opportunities for obtaining a doctoral degree in Landshut, which was attended by numerous interested parties. There is great interest in the new doctoral programme in Landshut. From the Bachelor's programme to the in-depth Master's programme to the doctoral degree, everything will be possible in Landshut from now on.

Large analogue and digital crowd

The kick-off event, which could be attended both on site and online, attracted a large number of participants. The plenary room and virtual ZOOM call were attended by a total of almost 60 interested people, who listened intently to the information on the doctoral programme in Landshut. This was presented by Prof. Dr Holger Timinger, Vice President for Research and Transfer, and Linda Klingler, speaker and coordinator of the Graduate Centre at Landshut University of Applied Sciences.

Information event highlights doctoral opportunities in Landshut

During the event, the previous opportunities and the innovations resulting from the establishment of the two doctoral centres were explained. Those present were given a comprehensive overview of how they can complete their doctorate at Landshut University of Applied Sciences and what support options are available to them. Prof. Dr. Holger Timinger: "With the Landshut Graduate Center, we now have a university-wide institution that can provide comprehensive advice to all doctoral candidates and those interested in doing a doctorate and establish contacts with the doctoral centres. It will therefore become our central doctoral university network in the short to medium term."

The established concept of the cooperative doctorate with universities, which provided a level of support for Landshut doctoral students from university supervision and university supervision, remains unchanged. The two new doctoral centres "DigiTech" and "DIWAG", in which Landshut University of Applied Sciences works in a partner network with other Bavarian universities, exercise the right to award doctorates independently.

Whoever was represented at the event

The audience at the event came mainly from the Landshut environment: including professors, academic staff, Master's students and important networkers from the university administration. These included the teams from the Institute for Transfer and Cooperation and LA-Proof. However, employees from the private sector and interested parties from the academic environment of other Bavarian regions were also represented. The crowds and the many different guests made the great potential of Landshut University of Applied Sciences literally visible.

Following the opening event, Linda Klingler expressed her enthusiasm about the potential of Landshut University of Applied Sciences, which was demonstrated on this day: "I think it's great that something is growing here. There is obviously a lot of interest and it shows the direction we are heading in. So I'm really looking forward to the moment when we officially have the first doctoral students here in Landshut as part of the doctoral centres on our campus. It won't be long before that happens, judging by the level of interest. This offers us a great opportunity as a research location."

Photos: Landshut University of Applied Sciences
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