“I would like to thank our external partners for their courage in embracing and supporting the new model. It is only through personal commitment and constant exchange that it has been so successful. The collaboration is a clear benefit for Landshut University of Applied Sciences,” emphasized university president and project manager of ‘LA-Proof’ Prof. Dr. Fritz Pörnbacher during the welcome address to all those present. As part of the first joint meeting of the “LA-Proof” project, junior professors, their mentors and cooperation partners came together to discuss expectations and experiences to date since the start of the project. The occasion was the appointment of four further junior professorships, in addition to the two existing ones.
The project at a glance: six junior professorships at Landshut University of Applied Sciences
At the beginning of the event, project coordinator Kirstin Osthoff gave an overview of the project: there are currently four junior professorships in the professional practice model and two in the doctoral model at Landshut University of Applied Sciences. Based at the Faculties of Business Administration, Electrical Engineering & Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Studies and Social Work, the junior academics gain expertise in teaching and academic operations and receive support and further training opportunities in line with the LAnding qualification programme. An experienced professor is on hand as a mentor to help them structure and master the wide range of tasks involved. This was followed by a short round of introductions of all the junior professors present in person. This emphasised the diversity of careers and showed the different paths to an academic career.
Über das Projekt „LA-Proof“:
„LA-Proof“ ist ein seit Januar 2023 vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung sowie dem Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst gefördertes Projekt der Hochschule Landshut. Ziel ist die Rekrutierung von professoralem Nachwuchs. Didaktisch und fachlich geeignete Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten, die noch nicht die notwendigen formalen Voraussetzungen für eine Professur erfüllen, werden über Nachwuchsprofessuren in Berufspraxis- oder Promotionsmodellen qualifiziert und erfüllen nachfolgend alle Anforderungen für eine HAW-Professur. Eine erfahrene Professorin oder ein erfahrener Professor ist als Mentor bei der Strukturierung und Bewältigung des Aufgabengebietes behilflich. Seit November 2024 sind an der Hochschule Landshut sechs Nachwuchsprofessuren besetzt. Das Projekt verhilft der Hochschule Landshut zu mehr Bekanntheit als Arbeitgeber und zeigt Karriereoptionen einer HAW-Professur auf. Unterstützt wird es dabei von folgenden Kooperationspartnern: BMW Group, Ihre Volksbank eG Neckar Odenwald Main Tauber, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., xpecto AG, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien.
Participants' experiences with "LA-Proof" consistently positive
After a brief discussion between the junior professors, a clear picture emerged: those present reported being completely satisfied with their dual role at Landshut University of Applied Sciences in teaching and in the co-operative venture or as doctoral candidates. Markus Schmidtner from the group of junior professors particularly emphasised the flexibility of all parties involved and the scope for future joint projects. Prof Dr Alexander Herzner explained: "In our hybrid function, we think along both sides, in terms of teaching and practice. The students provide us with input about their interests. We try to make this possible in collaboration with the partner companies so that added value is created for both sides." As a result, the existing partnerships around the "LA-Proof" project are developing into sustainable projects that benefit everyone involved. The cooperation partners were equally full of praise. Mentor Prof. Dr Reinhold Kohler summarised the feedback as follows: "The young scientists take the expertise in the companies to a new level. They are closer to the state of research and bring their scientific perspective to the company. It's a mutual learning process."
Project Management Jülich (PtJ), represented by Dr Bülent Genç, who is in charge of the "FH-Personal" funding programme on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and who joined the event via video conference, also found words of affirmation and motivated all those present to establish the "LA-Proof" model: "Do more advertising for the project itself in order to bring about lasting change!"