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Landshut University Applicant Day Meets Landshuter Hochzeit

With the start of the LaHo into the new studies

On Friday, June 30, the application day will take place at the campus of the Landshut University of Applied Sciences. Both prospective students who have already decided on a course of study at Landshut University of Applied Sciences and those who are still undecided can obtain all the information they need on this day. The team of the Central Student Advisory Service and all representatives of the faculties are looking forward to welcoming the potential newcomers and to answering their questions. Information will be provided about the modalities of application, admission and enrollment, as well as about studying and living in Landshut. Future students will receive valuable tips on how to organize their housing situation or how to finance their studies.

"The format of the Applicants' Day is designed to provide prospective students with comprehensive information so that they can get off to the best possible start to their studies in the winter semester," explains Kerstin Dempf, head of the Central Student Advisory and Career Service. With a twinkle in her eye, she also adds, "But of course we are just as happy to welcome interested parties whom we can support in their decision to study and hopefully convince to come to Landshut." All six faculties are looking forward to welcoming visitors and are preparing an attractive and interesting program for the Applicants' Day on June 30.

Newcomers picked up with cultural spectacle

The date is special in two respects. Because not only new freshmen are expected in the city. The Landshuter Hochzeit also starts on the same day. To give the new faces on campus a good impression of what the city has to offer culturally, the university will also be welcoming Klaus Timmer, a member of the Board of Sponsors, and the "Drummers and Pipers" music group on this day. The latter's informal as well as musical presentation immediately introduces the potential students from outside to one of the centerpieces of the city's cultural diversity. Prospective students thus have the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information about studying and living in Landshut on Applicants' Day and to make their decision on a broad basis of knowledge. Info: The Applicants' Day at Landshut University of Applied Sciences will take place on Friday, June 30, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Further information such as the program booklet is already available at: