Landshut University of Applied Sciences stands for practically-oriented teaching with a clear focus on research. To ensure the quality of their teaching and to develop it further on a consistent basis, for several years, the teaching staff at Landshut have made intensive use of the further training, which is available at the Centre for University Teaching and Learning in Ingolstadt (DiZ). On Monday, University President Prof. Dr. Fritz Pörnbacher and DiZ representative Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wunderlich presented two “University Teaching Bavaria” certificates for participating successfully in the university teaching and learning programme.
Prof. Dr. Valentina Speidel from the Faculty of Business Administration and Prof. Dr. Johann Uhrmann from the Faculty of Computer Science were delighted to receive the awards. “I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to you on winning this award,” emphasized the University President. “We are very proud of the considerable commitment of our professors, who make use of the continuing education which is available from the DiZ in great numbers.”
As in previous years, Landshut University of Applied Sciences is due to more than exceed its quota in 2021, adds Wunderlich. “We are already at 212 percent. We are first place here in Bavaria by a long way.” And the university wants to continue investing in the further training of its lecturers in the second half of the year. “That is why we welcome anyone who takes us up on this offer.”
The requirement for the award is to complete at least 120 units of work, each lasting 45 minutes. The lecturers deal with new concepts of teaching and learning, presentation and communication techniques as well as the topics of examinations, and the provision of advice and support to students. With their initiative, they help to ensure the high quality of the teaching at Landshut University of Applied Sciences and to make their lectures, seminars and exercises as interesting as possible.
Photo: Landshut University of Applied Sciences/Thomas Kolbinger
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