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Library information

All questions about the library are answered here. You can quickly access the individual contents via the table of contents.

Zwei Personen stehen gegenüber zwischen ihnen eine Bücherwand.

    Virtual tour

    Borrow books

    Please note:

    • A maximum of 30 books can be borrowed.
    • The loan period is usually 4 weeks. If the book is not on hold, you can renew it up to 5 times.
    • Landshut university publications, journal volumes from our basement stacks, interlibrary loan books, tablets and reserved books must be collected from the service desk .

    Book return

    Please note:

    • Return interlibrary loans at the service desk or in the book return box
    • Return IPads at the service desk

    User account

    You can access your user account as follows:

    1. You will find the login button at the top right of the library catalogue

    2. your library number begins with 034 and can be found on your student or user card. Your password is your date of birth in the form DayDayMonthMonthYearYear (DDMMYY), e.g. 011001 if you were born on 01 October 2001.

    3. in the menu item Account/Renewal you can see the books you have borrowed and can renew your loans. Here you can also see all the books you have reserved.

    Extend books

    In principle, you can borrow books for 4 weeks. However, you can extend this loan period up to 5 times for a further 4 weeks each time. Please note that you cannot extend the books if they have been reserved by other users. For a longer loan period, we recommend that you only renew the books shortly before the end of the loan period.

    You have the following options for renewing books:

    1. Via your user account in the library catalogue
    2. Via the self-checkout system
    3. Via our e-mail: ausleihe(at)
    4. By calling us on 0871 - 506160
    5. Byasking a member of staff at the service desk

    Please note that interlibrary loan books are often not renewable.

    Reserve books

    You can reserve books that are currently on loan. The other user must then return the book at the end of their loan period (maximum 4 weeks) and you can borrow the book if you are the first person to place a hold on it.

    If you see in the library catalogue that a book is currently on loan and you want to reserve the book, please click on "borrowed until:". Now you have to log in with your user data (034... + date of birth).

    When the book is ready for you to collect, you will receive an e-mail from us. Please note that you must collect reserved books from the service desk.


    Please do not forget to return media on time, otherwise reminder fees will be charged!

    1. Reminder: 7,50 Euro
    2. Reminder: + 10,00 Euro
    3. Reminder: + 20,00 Euro

    Until the overdue items have been returned and the overdue fines have been paid, borrowing and renewals are no longer possible.
    Reminders must be paid in cash at the service desk.

    By the way: Overdue notices make a lot of work for us and we cannot buy any new books from them, but have to pass the money on to the Finance Department. Therefore, please keep an eye on your return deadlines, extend them or return borrowed books on time.

    The library catalogue

    Finding books in the library

    Search the library catalogue for a specific book or subject. Please follow our search tips.

    You can recognise books that are physically in the library by the "book" in the search result list.

    Please note that you can already see in the search result list whether a book is currently "on loan" or "borrowed". You can reserve borrowed books.

    When you have found a book that interests you, click on it.

    You will now see some information about the book, e.g. the title, the author or the subject of the book.

    Under "Copies" you will find the "Book shelf mark". This tells you where the book is located in the library.

    The number before the slash tells you whether a book is on the upper or lower floor. Anything with "2", e.g. 20 or 21, is on the "second" floor, i.e. the upper floor. Everything with "1", e.g. 10 or 15, is on the "first" floor, i.e. in the entrance area of the library.

    The books are then organised alphabetically and numerically. You can orientate yourself on the map in the entrance area of the library or on the signs on the bookshelves.

    Search tips

    1. use appropriate search fields:

    Write author in the author field, title in the title keyword field, ... the free search can sometimes be very imprecise.

    2. use "wildcards":

    a * replaces one or more letters, e.g. health* -> healthy, health, health-related, health maintenance, ....

    3. narrow down the search:

    Here you can already narrow down by publication type (e.g. online resources, Landshut university publications, journal, ...) and by year.

    4. basic principles:

    • Do not write too much in the search mask to avoid sources of error
    • If there are no or too few hits, try to use synonyms or generic terms; if there are too many hits, use sub-terms. A search matrix can help here.
    • If necessary, the filter options (to the left of the search results) can be used.

    Interlibrary loan: Order books from other Bavarian libraries

    Please note that Interlibrary Loan may not work in the english catalogue. Please come to us, we will order the book for you.

    If there are books that are not available from us, you can order them via interlibrary loan.

    1. go to the library catalogue. you will find books from all Bavarian libraries in the interlibrary loan tab.

    2. books that Landshut University of Applied Sciences also has can be recognised by the "Landshut University of Applied Sciences" symbol.

    3. if you have found a book that Landshut University of Applied Sciences does not own, then click on it.

    Below the book data (author, title etc.) you will find various tabs. One of them is called "Availability". Click on this.

    You will now see that you need to log in with your user details (034... + date of birth) to use the interlibrary loan service.

    4. now you can order the book.

    5. you will see the most important information about the order again and can add your own notes. If everything is correct, you can "Send interlibrary loan order".

    6 It usually takes one to two weeks for interlibrary loan requests to arrive at the university library. When the books arrive, you will receive an e-mail. You can collect the interlibrary loan books from the service desk.

    7 Please also note the following:

    • Interlibrary loan books often have a special loan period, some of which cannot be extended. You can find this on the note inside the book or in your user account.
    • The red slip of paper that you receive with the book must remain in the book and must also be handed in!
    • Please return interlibrary loans at the service desk or via the book return box in the foyer.

    Find Landshut university publications

    You can also search for and borrow Bachelor's and Master's theses in the library catalogue.

    Please note: Theses with a lock directory period are booked on a special account until the end of the lock directory period. They can only be borrowed after the end of the embargo period.

    For example, you can search for a lecturer at the university and see which topics he/she has already written on.

    To do this, enter the lecturer in the library catalogue and restrict the publication type to "Landshut Theses".

    As with normal books, there are also university publications that are available electronically. Access is the same as for e-books.

    University publications that are only available in a paper version can be found in our basement magazine. You must therefore order them.

    Click on "orderable" and log in with your user data (034... + date of birth). You can collect the university publication you have ordered from the service counter within 24 hours at the latest.

    Find e-books

    E-books are electronic books that you can find in the library catalogue. To do this, you must use the "Catalogue for University Members" and log in with your university account.

    E-books can also be accessed from home and the books can then be easily downloaded. You can recognise e-books by the following symbol:

    To access the e-book, please click on "Full text".

    Which page opens now depends on the respective publisher. You can download the book either chapter by chapter, in full or both chapter by chapter and in full.

    What to do if access to e-books does not work?

    To use e-books, you must log in to the library catalogue for university members. If this does not work, please try using a different web browser (e.g. Chrome instead of Firefox). You can also find out about current problems with the library catalogue on our library website. If it still does not work, please send an e-mail to angela.zeiler(at) or call the library.

    Find journal articles

    Several people write different articles in journals. Although articles in journals usually deal with similar topics, each article is self-contained. You can recognise journal articles in quotations by the "in". This looks like this, for example:

    Münzenberg, Markus; Thomas, Andy (2012): Hot electronics. In: Physics in our time 43 (6), p. 288-295. DOI: 10.1002/piuz.201201314.

    To find journal articles, the first question is: "Does the library have the journal in which the article can be found in printed or electronic form?"

    The easiest way:

    If the journal article is available electronically, then it may be linked directly to the library catalogue. You can search for the article as normal, e.g. in the "free search". Then click on the "Articles & more" tab in the search result list. Once you have found the article you are looking for, you can click on "Full text" and download it like an e-book.

    If you are not sure whether the journal is available electronically or only in paper form, it is best to search for the journal in the library catalogue.

    In the section "Catalogue of Landshut University of Applied Sciences" you will only find journals, NOT journal articles. In the "Articles & more" section, you will only find journal articles, NOT journals

    Tip: To avoid getting too many hits, it is advisable to restrict the search to "Journal" directly when entering the search term in the advanced search.

    Option 1: Print journal

    To find out where the print journal is located in the library, please click on "Individual volumes"

    Now you need to know in which volume and issue of which year the article you are looking for can be found.

    You can see the shelfmark, which tells you where the book is located.

    If the journal is "on loan", you can find it here:

    ... if the magazine article is from the current year.

    Or it can be found here:

    ... if it was published from 2010 onwards.

    If the journal article was published before 2010, it will be in our basement magazine and you will have to order it. This works in exactly the same way as for theses.

    Option 2: electronic journals = e-journals

    If your journal article is published in an e-journal, there are various ways to find it.

    a) You can find the journal article in the library catalogue under "Articles and more" (see above)

    b) You will not find the journal article in "Articles and more".

    Search for the journal

    Click on "Full text" next to the journal

    This will take you to the "Electronic Journals Library". Here you can follow the link to the publisher's website:

    Each publisher's page looks slightly different. Sometimes you can search directly for the article, sometimes you have to search for the respective journal volume, issue and year.

    c) Some journal articles can also be found in databases

    Databases - general

    To the databases