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Business Psychology & Sustainability Management

The Business Psychology & Sustainability Management degree programme provides fascinating insights into how people think and act – whether alone or in groups, as employees or managers, as applicants or recruiters. Students learn to understand economic interrelationships from both a corporate and an overall perspective, and discover which measures actually help to shape our society in a sustainable way and which only give a good feeling but do not improve anything.

Start Winter semester
Admission CriteriaRestricted admission
Application period -
Study format Full time, with in-depth practical experience
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration7 Semester

Prospects after graduation

By completing the Bachelor's degree programme, students have not only gained many exciting insights, but also have excellent career prospects. Thanks to the versatile education, they can take on interface functions where it is important to mediate between areas with different ways of thinking, or specialise in a focus area such as behavioural economics, sustainable corporate management, corporate health management, marketing and consumer psychology and organisational concepts/personnel management, whether in professional practice or in a further Master's degree course.

Prof. Dr. Robin Hau

Academic advisor