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Media and Communication Management

Engage in dialogue with employees, influencers and investors. Creating presentations, videos, podcasts and events. Answering questions in crises. This is what communication managers do in companies. The Bachelor's degree programme in Media and Communication Management provides the know-how, strategies and techniques for this. It combines corporate communication with business management fundamentals in a unique way and thus optimally prepares students for the modern world of media.

Start Winter semester
Admission CriteriaRestricted admission
Application period 15.04.2025 - 15.07.2025
Study format Full time, with in-depth practical experience
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration7 Semester

Prospects after graduation

Corporate communication has become much more important. Media and communications managers are in greater demand than ever before. Companies and public organisations are looking for well-trained specialists for their communications. Thanks to the close connection between communication and business fundamentals, students are optimally prepared for this. The practice-oriented degree programme enables students to join a communications team in a company or work as a junior consultant in a communications agency.

A wide range of career paths are open after graduation.

  • Press spokesperson/representative
  • Speakers for internal communication
  • Content strategists and managers
  • Social media and community managers
  • Specialists for financial or political communication
  • PR and communications consultants in agencies

Possible Master's degree programmes

The Master's degree programmes in Market-Oriented Management at Landshut University of Applied Sciences and the Master's degree programme in Human Resource Management, a joint degree programme offered by the universities of Augsburg, Kempten and Landshut, build on the Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration. They impart specialised skills and deepen the respective specialisation for further professional careers.

Learn more

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Martina Mitterhofer

Academic advisor