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Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key technology with far-reaching effects on our society. With the Bachelor's degree programme in Artificial Intelligence, we want to train experts in this field who understand the strengths, weaknesses and potential of AI, transfer this knowledge to our society and thus strengthen the region and make it more competitive. We want to enable students to understand, classify and implement current research results in the field of artificial intelligence themselves. In doing so, we rely on a solid foundation in computer science and mathematics, and an implementation with numerous practical modules. The degree programme has a strong backbone of AI modules, with a particular focus on modules from the field of machine learning. Of course, students are also introduced to ethical aspects of AI and the sustainability of AI solutions.

Start Winter semester
Admission CriteriaUnrestricted admission
Application period 15.04.2025 - 15.07.2025
Study format Full time
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration7 Semester

    Programme content

    We want to enable students to understand, categorise and implement current research results in the field of artificial intelligence. In doing so, we rely on a solid foundation of computer science and mathematics together with practical data science modules. The programme includes the following core subjects:

    • Artificial Intelligence
    • machine learning
    • data science
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Big Data Algorithms and Systems
    • Specialisation subjects such as autonomous vehicles, 3D game engines, industrial robotics

    Study programme

    In the first two-semester part of the programme, students receive an introduction to the field of artificial intelligence and the necessary basics of computer science, mathematics and data science.
    The five-semester second part of the degree programme delves deeper into various areas of artificial intelligence. It includes relevant core subjects in computer science and mathematics and offers numerous elective options with regard to application areas of artificial intelligence.
    In the 3rd and 4th semesters, students deepen the knowledge they have acquired so far through further subject-related modules. The content focuses include artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, ethics of AI and algorithms and data structures.
    The fifth semester is a practical semester of 80 working days in industry with accompanying courses at the university.
    In the 6th and 7th semesters, students choose subject-related compulsory elective modules. These include applications of artificial intelligence in the fields of autonomous driving, medicine, robotics, virtual/mixed reality and human-machine interaction.

    Study and examination regulations

    Module overview

    The module overview in the degree programme provides a graphical representation of the course content over the seven semesters, including a chronological order and distribution of ECTS credits.


    All degree programmes at the Faculty of Computer Science have a high practical and application orientation. In addition to the theoretical lectures, many of the programmes offered include practical work placements. Project work also serves to put what has been learnt into practice. In the 5th semester, students also complete a practical semester of at least 80 working days in a company of their choice in Germany or abroad.

    Prof. Dr. Eduard Kromer

    Study programme director