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Siegel Akkreditierung IPSY

Accredited degree program

Engineering psychology

Engineering psychology is about designing technical products, socio-technical systems and work processes in such a way that they can be mastered, controlled and monitored quickly, safely and effortlessly by humans. Due to the advancing digitalisation and automation of our modern lives, you can expect excellent career prospects in many industries after completing your studies.

Start Winter semester
Admission CriteriaUnrestricted admission
Application period -
Study format Full time, with in-depth practical experience, Joint degree programme
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration7 Semester
Accredited degree program
Siegel Akkreditierung IPSY

    The study programme / profile

    The interface between people and technology

    What makes the use of technical products simple and intuitive? When is interaction with technology emotionally appealing? And what creates a positive user experience? If you are interested in these questions, then the Engineering Psychology degree programme is just right for you.

    After all, the programme is about designing technical products, socio-technical systems and work processes so that they can be mastered, controlled and monitored quickly, safely and effortlessly by humans. Due to the advancing digitalisation and automation of our modern lives, you can expect excellent career prospects in many sectors (e.g. automotive, aviation, industry, medical technology, IT, consumer technologies and many more) after completing your studies.

    Students undergo practice-oriented training based on scientific findings and methods, which enables interdisciplinary integration between psychology / human factors, technology (electrical engineering) and computer science. In this way, you will learn to examine and understand the experience and behaviour of people when dealing with technology. The Engineering Psychology (B.Sc.) degree programme was accredited by the ASIIN institute in 2023.

    Contents and course of study

    In the seven-semester Bachelor's degree programme, we impart psychological, technological design and methodological knowledge for the user-oriented development of digital, networked and automated products and systems such as medical technology, vehicle and aircraft cockpits or production facilities.

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    Study and examination regulations

    Prospects after graduation

    In view of the advancing digitalisation and automation of our modern lives, a degree in engineering psychology offers you excellent career prospects in numerous technical sectors (automotive, aviation, industry, medical technology, IT, consumer technologies and many more) as well as a wide range of fields of expertise.

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    Admission requirements

    Admission requirements for the Bachelor's degree programme are a general or subject-restricted higher education entrance qualification, an entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences or another school-leaving qualification recognised as equivalent by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.The Engineering Psychology (B.Sc.) degree programme has no admission restrictions. (Relevant) vocational training can be recognised as a work placement. If the vocational training is not relevant, parts of it may be recognised (the same applies to civilian service or a voluntary social year).

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    Requirement profile

    Engineering psychologists generally work in interdisciplinary teams and are employed in a wide range of specialist areas (design, development, research, production).
    If you want to apply for the engineering psychology degree programme, you should be interested in both natural sciences and psychology, have a certain affinity for technology and enjoy interdisciplinary collaboration, as well as being curious, open-minded, reflective and able to work under pressure.

    Get to know the university

    5,000 students, 6 faculties, more than 50 degree programmes. We teach and research future skills on an attractive campus with the highest quality of life. Since 1978!
    Discover the advantages of the Landshut campus for yourself.

    Information for students

    If you have any questions about the degree programme, the Central Student Advisory Service, the Student Advisory Service and the faculty will be happy to help you at any time. You can also find out more about the degree programme at events such as study information days, taster days, etc.

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    Information for schools

    If you as a school or several schools are interested in presenting the degree programme at your school or in cooperation with several schools, you are welcome to contact the Central Student Advisory Service of the university or the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies.

    Prof. Dr. phil. Bettina Williger

    Academic advisor