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Accredited degree program

International Business Administration

The Master's degree programme focuses on business management in a global, dynamic and digital environment. Dynamic and global economic and business developments require not only sound business expertise but also management skills. Students are expected to spend one to two semesters abroad during their studies. It is possible to obtain a double degree by transferring to one of the partner universities. Lectures and examinations are held to 80 % in English. The Master's thesis is also expected to be written in English.

Start Sommer semester
Admission CriteriaRestricted admission
Application period 15.11.2024 - 15.01.2025
Study format Full time
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration3 Semester
LanguageEnglish & German
Accredited degree program
Logo AQAS zur Akkreditierung

Application information

For our international applicants, all important information about the application process is available here.

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Counselling for international applicants

As an international student or exchange student, you are in for an exciting time. Starting a degree programme in a new country can also be a challenge.

All counselling services

International Office

In cooperation with the faculties, the International Office coordinates international activities with partner universities for study and teaching purposes. It also advises international students on all aspects of their stay in Germany.

Contact the International Office