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Accredited degree program

International Business Administration

The Master's degree programme focuses on business management in a global, dynamic and digital environment. Dynamic and global economic and business developments require not only sound business expertise but also management skills. Students are expected to spend one to two semesters abroad during their studies. It is possible to obtain a double degree by transferring to one of the partner universities. Lectures and examinations are held in English. The Master's thesis is also expected to be written in English.

Start Sommer semester
Admission CriteriaRestricted admission
Application period 15.11.2024 - 28.02.2025
Study format Full time
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration3 Semester
Accredited degree program
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    The study programme / profile

    Dynamic and global economic and business developments require management skills in the areas of networked thinking, change management, intercultural competence, mobility and innovation management in addition to sound business expertise. These key requirements for young managers are specifically promoted in the Master's degree programme in International Business Administration. Students are expected to spend one to two semesters abroad during their studies. It is possible to obtain a double degree by transferring to one of our partner universities.

    Individual focus

    The Master's degree programme in International Business Administration is more than just business administration in English. Lectures and examinations are held in English. Students are expected to spend one or two semesters abroad during their studies. By transferring to a partner university, it is possible to obtain a double degree. In addition to the subject content, students get to know other cultures, have the opportunity to network internationally and are prepared for international co-operation in their professional life. With the elective modules taken in the second semester and the targeted selection of subjects at a foreign partner university, students can choose their desired specialisation.

    The Master's thesis is also expected to be written in English. The degree programme is flexible and can be adapted to individual requirements, interests and expectations.

    Course of study and contents

    All modules of the Master's degree programme are taught in English. The first semester at Landshut University of Applied Sciences consists of the following modules: International Business Environment and Strategy, Business Ethics & CSR in Digital Business, Global Operations
    Management, International Accounting & Management Control, International Financial Management and Agile and Hybrid Project Management in International Environment. The second and third semesters can be completed at a partner university with International Business modules in order to obtain a double degree. For students who spend the second and third semesters in Landshut, a mix of online courses from the VHB (Virtual University of Bavaria) and face-to-face courses at Landshut University of Applied Sciences is available. With the modules taken in the second semester and the choice of partner university, students can choose their desired specialisation (e.g. marketing in Toledo, finance in Ireland, human resources in Edinburgh).

    The modules of the third semester in Landshut are Business Research Methods; Postgraduate Major Project/ Master Thesis and Thesis Colloquium. Due to the modular structure of the degree program, it is possible to arrange the semester sequence flexibly.

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    Partner universities for obtaining a double degree

    • - Griffith College in Dublin or Cork, Ireland
    • - Kristianstad University, Sweden
    • - Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in Cambridge, UK
    • - Edinburgh Napier University in Edinburgh, UK
    • - Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo, Spain
    • - International College of Management (ICMS) in Sydney, Australia
    • - University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) in Queensland, Australia

    Prospects after graduation

    The Master's degree programme focuses on business management in a global, dynamic and digital environment. Dynamic and global economic and business developments require not only sound business expertise but also management skills in the areas of networked and sustainable thinking, project management, strategy and change management. These competences are particularly needed in middle and senior management positions in international companies in the areas of strategy, marketing, finance and operations as well as in management positions in international projects.

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    Requirement profile

    To successfully complete the Master's degree programme, students must have a basic knowledge of business administration and a corresponding interest in economic topics. Students should also have a solid knowledge of English (C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

    The Master's programme requires active participation in lectures as well as enjoyment of team projects and presentations. It is particularly suitable for Bachelor's graduates who are interested in taking on specialist and management functions in companies with an international environment later in their careers.

    Further information on the application

    Admission requirements

    The degree programme is admission-restricted. The application for admission (= application) is made online. All necessary application documents must be enclosed with the application. The admission requirements are

    • University degree from a German university in an economics degree programme, usually with 210 ECTS points and an overall grade of "good" or better, or a comparable domestic or foreign degree.
    • Graduates of a degree programme that is not purely in economics but is related to economics can be admitted upon application to the examination board. Admission requirements are successfully completed modules totalling at least 45 ECTS credits in the field of business administration.
    • Language skills in English corresponding to language level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
      Note on language skills: certificates are often issued at the home university confirming the level achieved in accordance with the CEFR. Enquire at your home university, as it is not uncommon for the level you have reached to be confirmed only on request. Proof can be provided by taking a TOEFL test or other test formats (Cambridge Certificate, IELTS, LCCI, TELC, TOEIC).
    • Further information on application and admission as well as the relevant forms can be found via the link.

    For university graduates from various Eastern and South-Eastern European countries who have decided to pursue postgraduate studies in Bavaria, the Free State of Bavaria offers the possibility of one-year scholarships.

    Get to know the university

    5,000 students, 6 faculties, more than 50 degree programmes. We teach and research future skills on an attractive campus with the highest quality of life. Since 1978!
    Discover the advantages of the Landshut campus for yourself.

    Information for students

    Here you will find comprehensive information about starting your degree programme. This includes important downloads and quick links to help you get started. You will also find contact details that can help you with any questions relating to your degree programme.

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    Prof. Dr. Burkhard Jaeger

    Academic advisor