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There are various funding options available to help you finance your studies abroad, which you can apply for at the International Office.

Financial support - applying to the International Office

If you are studying abroad at a European university with which there is an ERASMUS partnership, you can receive funding from the EU.

The application for an ERASMUS scholarship is already completed with the successful application for a study place via Mobility Online and the allocation of an ERASMUS place by us at an ERASMUS partner university.

The most important facts about ERASMUS funding at a glance:

  • Exemption from tuition fees at the partner university
  • Academic recognition of academic achievements abroad
  • Support with language preparation for your stay abroad
  • ERASMUS+ scholarship/mobility grant

Programme countries

  • Group 1: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden
    • 600€ per month
  • Group 2/3: Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Hungary
    • 540€ per month

Application deadlines can be found onour application page.

Funding period and payment

  • Determination of the funding conditions in a so-called"Grant Agreement"
  • Minimum duration of funding 2 months / 60 days
  • Payment of the grant (billing to the day after completion of the mobility in 2 instalments)
  • First instalment before the start of studies at the partner university
  • second instalment after "Confirmation of Stay" by partner university

Possibilities of additional funding (please note that we grant a maximum of one additional grant / one so-called top-up):

  • Additional funding for sustainable travel (Green Travel Top Up)

Participating students have the opportunity to claim up to 6 additional travel days for the outward and return journey as days of stay . "Green Travel" is defined as trips where the following means of transport are used for the main part of the journey (proof required!): Bus, car pooling, train, other sustainable means of transport (e.g. by bicycle)

For reasons of equal treatment, we calculate the additional travel days on the basis of the distance to the partner university:

Distance in kilometres

Additional travel days

100 - 7501Yes
751 - 15002yes
from 15013Yes

  • Additional funding for participants with fewer opportunities (Social Top Up)

Participating students who meet at least one of the eligibility criteria described below can receive additional funding of €250/month for social participation (Social TOP-UP):

Gainfully employed students:

Students are considered to be in employment if they are working in order to finance their living costs or their studies.

Students in gainful employment must have worked for at least 6 months in the 12 months prior to the start of the semester abroad and have earned between €450 and €850 net per month on average.

As a rule, self-employed activities, compulsory internships and dual/part-time study programmes with a fixed salary are excluded from employment.

Cancellation is not a prerequisite; the employment contract can also be paused.

First-time graduates (students from a non-academic family:

  • Both parents or carers do not have a degree from a university, university of applied sciences, university of cooperative education in Germany or abroad.

Students with child/children:

  • At least one of their own children must be travelling with them during the entire stay abroad. Funding is also possible if the partner is travelling with the student; double funding for the child must be ruled out

Students with a chronic illness:

  • There is a chronic illness that causes additional financial needs abroad.

Students with a disability:

  • There is a disability with a degree of disability of 20 or more.

Real cost funding

Participants with a disability or chronic illness and participants with children can claim real costs.

This requires an application to the DAAD National Agency. The corresponding link to the DAAD website will be published here as soon as it is available.

Students have the opportunity to apply for a subsidy of up to 15,000 euros per semester for the real additional costs of mobility abroad as part of this application.

As various supporting documents must be provided for such an application and the processing time is usually several months, interested students should contact the International Office early (ideally at the time of their application for an Erasmus+ place).

Students whose studies abroad cannot be covered by the ERASMUS programme have the opportunity to submit a PROMOS application. With this programme, study and practical stays as well as short stays such as language courses and summer schools can be funded by students worldwide through partial scholarships, travel allowances and course fee lump sums.

PROMOS applications for study abroad can be submitted via Mobility Online as part of the application for a study place.

To promote the internationalisation of Bavarian universities and student mobility, the StMBKWK has made funding available for study abroad and internships abroad, which can be granted upon application by outgoing students (as an alternative to PROMOS or ERASMUS) or foreign students (incoming students).

The respective funding depends on the total amount of funding made available to Landshut University of Applied Sciences each year and can therefore vary greatly.

Applications for funding for studying abroad can be submitted via Mobility Online as part of the application for a study place.

The selection for the scholarships that are administered directly at the university (ERASMUS/PROMOS/StaMi) takes place in accordance with the following principles:

  • transparent application procedure
  • qualitative selection procedure (selection committee HS management and IO)
  • Information and counselling on application and possible funding amounts
  • non-discriminatory selection (in the sense of the AGG). ERASMUS+ aims to promote equal opportunities and inclusion. For this reason, access to the ERASMUS+ programme is facilitated for learners from disadvantaged backgrounds and with special needs.
  • Selection based on the following objective, performance-related criteria:
    • Academic performance and progress
    • Meaningfulness of the stay abroad
    • language skills
    • Only for ERASMUS: Completion of a mandatory ONLINE language test
    • only for StaMi applications: annual income (incl. parental support) on average max. 15,000 euros before the stay
  • Prompt information about the decision (usually in the summer semester in February and in the winter semester at the beginning of August)

All funding recipients are obliged to submit a report of at least one page to the International Office immediately after completing the programme.

ERASMUS+ participants will also receive an ONLINE link from the DAAD at the end of their stay abroad. Please note that the reports must be completed in order to receive the total funding!

The International Office will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

The application portal is a dialogue system. The steps that have already been completed appear as green boxes, the next steps to be completed are marked with red boxes. If you are stuck in your application workflow, this means that you will have to wait for a response from the International Office. This will be sent either directly in the portal or by e-mail. As soon as the corresponding box is ticked "green", you can continue working on your workflow. Once you have entered the data, you must confirm this by clicking on the "Create new" button. Documents that you upload must be in pdf format.

After the online application and before the ERASMUS+ stay

The International Office will automatically send you the ERASMUS+ Grant Agreement, ERASMUS+ Learning Agreement and a form for confirming international health insurance and a link to the language test (OLS) AFTER your application.

Please proceed as follows:

  • sign the ERASMUS+ grant agreement and upload it to the Mobility ONLINE system
  • (if you have a severe disability, please attach a copy of your disability certificate)
  • create the ERASMUS+ Learning Agreement in Mobility Online, print it out and have it signed by the Faculty's International Coordinator. Afterwards, please upload it back into the system. We will then forward it to the examination board for final signature
  • hand in the proof of insurance to the International Office

You have the option of taking out accident/liability insurance through the DAAD Group Insurance. You can find information here

After completion of the ERASMUS+ programme

At the end of your study abroad programme, you must process and submit the following documents, which will be made available to you via Mobility Online, within 4 weeks:

  • the Letter of confirmation of stay abroad
  • a written experience report
  • a report as a link (EU Survey)

You will receive the information no later than 2-4 weeks before the end of your stay abroad.

Please note that students can receive ERASMUS+ funding for a maximum of 12 months per study period (Bachelor's/Master's) for a study programme/internship.

Financial support that can be applied for elsewhere

Important: Even if you are not entitled to BAföG in Germany, it may be possible to receive financial support for a stay abroad of at least 12 weeks, as different guidelines apply abroad.

The application should be submitted six months before the start of the semester abroad.

Programme initiative HAW.International

Programme objective

Practice-orientated studies at universities of applied sciences and universities of applied sciences (HAW/FH) are highly regarded in Germany and around the world. The DAAD supports HAW/FH students during their stays abroad and the universities in co-operation projects with international partners. More information about the entire HAW.International programme initiative can be found at

Under this programme, students on Bachelor's, Master's and Diploma degree courses at German universities of applied sciences/universities of applied sciences receive scholarships for a stay abroad as part of their studies or thesis.

Who can apply?

Students of all disciplines on Bachelor's, Master's and Diploma degree programmes at German universities of applied sciences/universities of applied sciences are eligible to apply.
Under certain conditions, people with foreign citizenship can also apply: Further information

What is funded?

Funding is available for study visits and stays abroad as part of a final thesis.

Application deadlines

30.06. for scholarships starting between November and February
31.10 for scholarships starting between March and June
01.03 for scholarships starting between July and October

Duration of funding

The duration of funding varies depending on the type of stay:

  • Study visits 3 to 6 months
  • Stays in the context of final theses 1 to 6 months.

Scholarship benefits

The scholarship includes the following benefits:

  • A monthly scholarship instalment determined according to the host country,
  • Travel allowance, the amount of which varies depending on the host country,
  • benefits for health, accident and personal liability insurance,
  • for study visits: Grant towards any tuition fees incurred up to an upper limit (depending on the destination country),
  • for final theses: Allowance for travelling in the host country directly related to the project.

The DAAD is the organisation in Germany that awards the most scholarships.

Prerequisites are a stay abroad in the main study programme and above-average grades. Please note the application deadlines on the website of the German Academic Exchange Service or in the scholarship database with over 200 programmes:

Funding is generally available for one-year stays abroad (minimum duration 7 months - maximum duration 4 semesters) with an intensive language course in the target country and/or study-related language lessons in Eastern Europe

Metropolises in Eastern Europe

Join our support programme! This entitles you to a wide range of support services, including our Down Under study grant and access to all scholarships from Australian and New Zealand universities.

Save 10% on tuition fees with the Down Under study grant

Application deadline: automatically when applying for a study place
Funding amount: 10% of tuition fees for one semester

Funding is available for all study programmes - guest semester, Bachelor, Master, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, PhD at all universities in Down Under where international tuition fees are incurred.
In many cases, the study grant closes the gap to Bafög, DAAD or other funding.

Full scholarships
Application deadline: 1 December / 1 May of each year
Scholarship amount: tuition fees for 1 semester
Performance-related: very good grade point average Prerequisite

Travel allowance
Application deadline: automatically when applying for a place
Scholarship amount: maximum of EUR 1,000 each - prize draw

Further support services

  • Counselling, planning, information on all questions about studying in Australia and New Zealand
  • Application management, coaching, assistance in preparing for your studies Down Under

Institut Ranke Heinemann
International Study and Support Centre
Berlin - Hamburg - Essen - Munich - Vienna

The Fulbright Commission offers travel grants for the respective American academic years. This funding supports German students at universities and universities of applied sciences who arrange and part-finance their study visit to the USA via a German-American university partnership programme.

Interested students submit their scholarship application to the International Office. A committee appointed by the Fulbright Commission decides in the final selection process which applicants will be nominated for a travel grant.

Please note: The application deadline is always one year before the start of thestayabroad!

All information on application formalities can be found here!

The Deutsche Bildung offer combines flexible student financing with the Knowledge Plus support programme. This means that students not only receive money for their studies - in Germany or abroad - but also personal support for all challenges (during their studies and in the first few years of their career), for example with regard to applications and e-learning courses.

Who can apply

Anyone of legal age who is studying at a state-recognised higher education institution in Germany or at a comparable higher education institution abroad can apply for the study abroad grant. Applicants must also belong to one of the following groups:

  • Germans / Austrians
  • Bildungsinländer with a permanent residence / work permit (no German / Austrian citizenship, but have grown up and completed school in Germany / Austria)

You can find more information here.