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Laboratory for green gases

Chemical / microbiological laboratory

Research and testing of processes for converting hydrogen and carbon dioxide into methane using microbiological methanation.

Management:Prof. Dr Raimund Brotsack
Room:TZE - TM 108
Phone:0991-3615 491

Chemical / microbiological laboratory. Research and testing of processes for the conversion of hydrogen and carbon dioxide into methane by means of microbiological methanisation.

  • Microscopic observation of microbiological samples (validation and evaluation of metabolic processes for methane production using fluorescence; qualitative and quantitative evaluation of microorganisms)
  • Qualitative and quantitative measurement of gas samples
  • Anaerobic atmosphere for handling anoxic samples or processes that require anaerobic conditions
  • Sterile environment for handling microorganisms
  • Incubation of microbiological samples at different temperatures and temperature profiles, with different media and gas atmospheres
  • Saturated steam sterilisation of laboratory glassware, samples and laboratory waste with automatic batch documentation


  • Microscope
    • Incident light fluorescence (LED)
    • Fluorescence filter set (420/40 BP, 458, 458 LP)
    • Transmitted light brightfield (LED)
    • Objectives (10x/0.3 Ph1; 40x/0.75 Ph2; 100x/1.4 Oil Ph3 Apochromat)
    • Partially motorised (Z-drive, camera mirroring, reflector turret, shutter, condenser)
    • 2/3" monochrome camera (4.54 µm x 4.54 µm)
    • Expandable with additional camera, DIC condenser modules, fluorescence filter sets
  • Gas chromatograph (S/SL injector, TCD detector; measurement of CO,CO2, H2, CH4; can be expanded to include a further measurement method)
  • Anaerobic chamber (Plexiglas, gas purging system with forming gas, airlock, measuring system for oxygen, humidity and pressure with respective control unit, data logger for recording the measurement data)
  • Autoclave (40 litres, automatic deionised water feed, air cooling, batch documentation via network)
  • Gas supply in the laboratory (forming gas, argon, test gas, etc.)
  • Microbiological safety cabinet (class II)
  • Incubators (112 l each, natural air exchange, USB port for recording measurement data, execution of self-created temperature programmes)
  • Drying cabinet
  • Pressure, redox, conductivity, pH and temperature measuring devices
  • Analytical balance (maximum load 120 g, resolution 0.1 mg)