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Practical semester

...from practice for practice...

Man sieht einen Computer .
Eine Person steht an einer Tafel in ihrer linken Hand befindet sich ein Stift.

Information event on the practical semester

The information event on the internship semester takes place every year at the beginning of the 4th semester., usually as part of an event attended by all degree programmes.

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Eine Person steht in einem Raum. Vor ihr steht ein Laptop.

Frequently asked questions about the practical semester

"A good question is half the battle" - here is our collection of the most frequently asked questions.

to the FAQ
Fünf Personen sind in einem Raum. Zwei sitzen und drei stehen.

Are you interested in an internship semester abroad? But you don't really know how to organise it, how the application process works or what the financing looks like?

The International Office will be happy to provide you with information on application, organisation and financing. Arrange an uncomplicated consultation appointment.

to the International Office