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Accredited degree program

Automotive engineering

Rarely has a key industry faced such major technical challenges as the vehicle sector: the shift from the classic combustion engine to alternative drive systems, autonomous driving, new and sustainable vehicle concepts and user-friendly design are just some of the most important buzzwords.

Start Winter semester
Admission CriteriaUnrestricted admission
Application period -
Study format Full time, with in-depth practical experience, Joint degree programme
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration7 Semester
Accredited degree program

Profiling: Commercial vehicle technology

Commercial vehicles have long been a natural part of our everyday lives and we encounter them on the roads in a wide variety of forms, for example as lorries or buses. Similar to construction machinery, they also hold a certain fascination for many due to their size alone. The demands placed on commercial vehicles are extremely complex: maximum efficiency, sustainability, environmental compatibility, but also comfort, driving safety and durability are just some of them.

HAW Landshut is one of the few universities in Germany to offer you the opportunity to qualify in this interesting field of vehicle technology in the form of the updated "Commercial Vehicles" specialisation. Due to the long-standing tradition of this specialisation, HAW Landshut is very well networked with regional and national industry.

The main areas of commercial vehicles are covered in detail in this specialisation: Design, driving dynamics and drive technology. You will acquire specific knowledge of combustion engines as well as knowledge of alternative drive technologies. This will give you the best qualifications for a career in the commercial vehicle sector. This includes not only manufacturers and suppliers, but also large private or public fleet operators or testing organisations as important potential employers.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Strohe

Head of degree programme