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Accredited degree program

Automotive engineering

Rarely has a key industry faced such major technical challenges as the vehicle sector: the shift from the classic combustion engine to alternative drive systems, autonomous driving, new and sustainable vehicle concepts and user-friendly design are just some of the most important buzzwords.

Start Winter semester
Admission CriteriaUnrestricted admission
Application period -
Study format Full time, with in-depth practical experience, Joint degree programme
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration7 Semester
Accredited degree program

Profiling: Ergonomics in automotive engineering

Have you ever read your mobile phone manual in its entirety? - Of course not; you only reach for it - usually annoyed - when you don't know what to do next. Today, it is taken for granted that we expect a product to be user-friendly, simple and intuitive to operate. This applies not only to mobile phones, but also to cars. While complicated operation on a mobile phone is usually just "annoying", in a car it can sometimes even be vital whether important buttons or switches are self-explanatory or whether you can grasp the important information with a quick glance. But what does something have to be like to be "self-explanatory", "user-friendly" or "intuitive to use"? Answering this question requires detailed knowledge of human abilities and characteristics.

The "Ergonomics in Automotive Engineering" specialisation is therefore deliberately interdisciplinary. On the one hand, it consists of an engineering part in which we provide you with a good basic understanding of the automobile. The other major component is engineering psychology. The focus here is on people, their cognitive and motor skills and preferences. This combination is always required when it comes to the conceptualisation, development and testing of scopes in which humans and vehicles interact in some way: This can include, for example, tasks in the development of new display or operating concepts, the conceptualisation of new assistance systems and the user-friendly design of new interior concepts in all areas of vehicle technology.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Strohe

Head of degree programme