Latest news
Cross-project collaboration for a good start at Landshut University of Applied Sciences
- "LA-Proof" and the study project of the Faculty of Computer Science collaborate in the area of onboarding and knowledge transfer.

Landshut University of Applied Sciences offers scientists new perspectives: Six junior professorships currently filled!
- The "LA-Proof" project organised its first joint meeting with cooperation partners and discussed expectations and experiences.

"Teaching students is a privilege"
- 25 years of service - Prof Dr Andreas Breidenassel from the Faculty of Electrical and Industrial Engineering celebrates his 25th anniversary

Innovationsschub für die Logistik: Digitaler Zwilling optimiert Transportprozesse
- Für herausragende wissenschaftliche Leistung wurde das Forschungsprojekt TwInTraSys für den Innovationspreis der bayerischen Transport- und Logistikbranche nominiert. Es gehört damit zu den besten drei Projekten im Bereich Wissenschaft und erhielt eine besondere Auszeichnung durch Staatsminister Christian Bernreiter. Die Hochschule Landshut ist Konsortialführer des Verbundprojekts. Gesamtprojektleiter Prof. Dr. Sebastian Meißner hat die Auszeichnungsurkunde im Rahmen des Logistikkongresses in Nürnberg stellvertretend für das gesamte Team um Minja Marinkovic dankend von Staatsminister Christian Bernreiter entgegengenommen. Mit dem Innovationspreis prämiert der CNA e.V. gemeinsam mit dem Cluster BahnTechnik und der Logistik Initiative Bayern jährlich Unternehmen, Organisationen, Start-ups, Universitäten, Hochschulen oder Forschungseinrichtungen für besonders innovative Produkte, Entwicklungen oder Dienstleistungen. Damit wird in besonderer Weise honoriert, dass Forschung und innovatives Handeln einen besonderen Beitrag zu nachhaltigem Wirtschaftswachstum, zur Sicherung von Arbeitsplätzen sowie zur Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Wirtschaftsstandortes Bayern leisten.

Power woman: At 32, currently the youngest professor at Landshut University of Applied Sciences realises a long-held career dream
- New professor at the Faculty of Computer Science is now inspiring students in the fields of data science and machine learning.

Elections at the DigiTech promotion centre
- First committee meetings with elected doctoral student representatives took place

Launch of the DIWAG doctoral programme
- First doctoral students at the doctoral programme Digital Innovations for a Changing Society (DIWAG) start work

The newly founded Graduate Centre at Landshut University of Applied Sciences and its first doctoral student
- Lukas Rißmann persistently pursues his scientific career path

Open Campus: an event to discover Landshut University of Applied Sciences
- Major event at Landshut's largest educational institution delights visitors with a varied programme, exciting activities and a personal atmosphere

From studies to doctorate, via management to professor
- New addition to the Faculty of Business Administration: working together for SMEs. Professor Philipp Michaeli is committed to further development through digital transformation.

EAE meets LA
- Visiting professor on the Master's programme in International Business

Intensification of contacts with Eastern Europe
- Landshut University of Applied Sciences receives delegation with high-ranking representatives from the Republics of Moldova and Romania.

Practical day at Landshut University of Applied Sciences for future doctors
- Die Fakultät Interdisziplinäre Studien der Hochschule Landshut führte mit den Landshuter Krankenhäusern erstmals gemeinsam einen Hands-on-Tag für Medizinstudierende aus Universitäten durch, die ihr Praktisches Jahr (PJ) in Landshut verbringen.

Landshut University of Applied Sciences visits partner universities on the US West Coast and Canada
- A report by the Head of the International Office, Maria Mehlhaff, on a delegation trip during which existing partnerships with renowned universities were strengthened and new opportunities for cooperation were explored.

Grand opening of the first doctoral centre with participation of Landshut University of Applied Sciences
- Grand opening of the first doctoral centre with participation of Landshut University of Applied Sciences

Everyone has it, everyone needs it, everyone uses it: wireless communication technology
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Schraml, the newest addition to Landshut University of Applied Sciences, wants to make digital information transfer more secure and further intensify cooperation in industry and with authorities.

First field trip of the Sustainable Industrial Operations and Business students
- The first field trip on the topic of raw material extraction, environmental protection and sustainability took the students of the new “Sustainable Industrial Operations and Business” course from Landshut University of Applied Sciences at Dingolfing campus to the Mossandl gravel mining area in Mamming near Dingolfing. In addition to the academic director Professor Martin Prasch and the managing director Andreas Moßandl, there were also representatives of the landscape conservation association Dingolfing-Landau e.V. and the Bavarian Industrial Association for Building Materials, Stones and Earths (BIV).

Landshut Research Project Presented at the Medical Technology Conference "Trends and Developments"
- The showcased project "AIARLiver" provides a solution of a fully-integrated AR application for liver surgery

New Addition to the Medical Campus Lower Bavaria (MCN): University of Landshut
- The University of Landshut joins the Medical Campus Lower Bavaria (MCN) as a scientific partner—an historic achievement.

Studied in Landshut and made a career!
- Successful alumna of Landshut University of Applied Sciences, Bettina Fetzer, shares her personal career path and international experiences.