Accredited degree program
Midwife primary qualification (dual)
The "Midwifery primary qualification" degree programme, which has been offered since the winter semester 2023/24, is a dual full-time course. In each semester, a coherent theoretical block takes place at Landshut University of Applied Sciences and a practical block at one of our cooperating practice facilities. You will receive a training contract and a corresponding training allowance from the practice partner. You have a study place at Landshut University of Applied Sciences.
Start | Winter semester |
Admission Criteria | Restricted admission |
Application period | 15.04.2025 - 15.07.2025 |
Study format | Full time, with in-depth practical experience, Joint degree programme |
Study cost | None (only semester fee) |
Normal duration | 7 Semester |
Language | German |
ECTS | 210 |
Accredited degree program | |
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The study programme / profile
Midwives are highly qualified specialists for the holistic care of women in the fascinating phase of life of pregnancy, birth, postpartum, breastfeeding and family formation as well as for the health care of newborns and infants. They are therefore not only a valuable support for expectant parents, but also make an important contribution to the health of society with their work.
The Act on the Study and Profession of Midwives (Midwifery Act - HebG), which came into force on 1 January 2020, fundamentally reformed and modernised midwifery training in Germany. The path to becoming a midwife is now exclusively via a full-time academic degree programme.
Degree and state examination
In addition to the course-specific university examinations, you will take the state examination to obtain the licence to use the professional title "midwife", which in turn is a prerequisite for obtaining a professional licence. The degree programme concludes with a Bachelor of Science degree and the state examination for midwives, meaning that you are authorised to work as a midwife (at least) in all countries of the European Union.
Contents and course of study
The primary qualification midwifery degree programme at Landshut University of Applied Sciences trains you in all areas of midwifery relevant to the profession. It is a dual full-time degree programme with 30 ECTS credits per semester. The standard period of study is 7 semesters and the programme concludes with 210 ECTS credits, the degree "Bachelor of Science" and the state examination to obtain permission to use the professional title "Midwife" .
Prospects after graduation
On the "Primary Qualification in Midwifery" degree programme, you will acquire up-to-date knowledge in core areas of midwifery work and can contribute to improving the quality of obstetric care.
By acquiring scientific skills, you can contribute to strengthening midwifery science in Germany.
Personal requirements
To be able to complete a degree programme, you need to fulfil more than just formal requirements. Studying means academic learning and research and requires a high degree of personal responsibility, organisational ability, resilience, motivation, discipline and analytical skills.
In addition to lectures, tutorials and seminars, the majority of the programme consists of independent work (working on assignments, projects and academic texts, etc.).
However, this personal responsibility also enables students to organise their own daily study routine and set their own personal priorities, so that they can ultimately learn independently and in a self-determined manner. In addition, reading English (specialised) literature should be a challenge that you can master.
Requirements and application
Admission requirements
The midwifery primary qualification degree programme is admission-restricted, i.e. there are only a certain number of places available. This number depends on the number of training places available at the co-operation partners. The admission requirement for the degree programme is proof of a university entrance qualification. This is held by anyone who fulfils one of the following requirements:
- General higher education entrance qualification
- Subject-specific higher education entrance qualification
- Entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences
Without Abitur:
The admission requirements according to §10 of the Midwifery Act
The course begins in the winter semester (start 01 October). Admission must be applied for from mid-April. The application process for a place on the dual study programme "Midwifery primary qualification (B.Sc.)" takes place in several phases at the university and at the practice partner. The application is first made via the university's online portal. Applicants register, upload the required documents and select the practice locations that are suitable for them. Please note that selecting more than one practice partner may increase your chances of gaining a place on the programme.
After ranking according to the final grade of the training that enables admission to university (e.g. A-level grade), the documents of the best-ranked candidates will be sent to the cooperating practice institutions. Please submit your certificate to us as early as possible. The practice centres will conduct interviews and then draw up a list for their own location, on the basis of which the university will issue admission decisions with suspensive effect. Applicants then have four weeks to sign the contract for academic midwifery training (training contract) offered by the practice partner. They can then enrol at the university.
Read moreIt is important to distinguish whether you are applying for a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme. There is also a difference as to whether the Bachelor's degree programme is admission-free or admission-restricted (with NC). Further information on the application and admission procedure can be found here.
The university determines the number of places to be allocated for individual degree programmes. From the applications received for places on degree programmes with restricted admission, the best students from various groups (Abitur, Fachabitur, master's degree, second degree, etc.) are admitted according to a ranking list until the number of places to be allocated is reached. The NC (Nurmerus Clausus, average grade for admission) is calculated each year from the average grade of the last university place awarded. Experience shows that the NC fluctuates considerably from year to year when there are only a few study places to be allocated and cannot be predicted in advance of admission. It is therefore not the grade point average required for admission that is specified in advance, but the number of study places to be allocated.
Depending on whether you have already studied something similar or the same degree programme elsewhere, you either apply for a higher semester or start a new degree programme in the first semester. If you apply for a higher semester, the creditable examination results in particular determine whether you can be admitted. More information here.
If you can prove that you have already acquired comparable skills - either through professional experience or as part of a previous degree programme - you can apply to have these recognised. The application must be submitted to the Student Service Centre and will then be reviewed by the relevant examination board. You will be informed of the decision after approx. 2-3 weeks. The application can be found here.
Once you have registered in the applicant portal and uploaded your documents, you will be kept up to date on the progress of your application. If something is missing or incorrect, which would lead to exclusion from the award procedure, you will also be notified there. The letter of admission is also available for download there. Click here to go to the applicant portal.
As part of the application process, if you accept the study place offer, you must contact your health insurance company and inform them that you intend to start studying at Landshut University of Applied Sciences. The health insurance company will then confirm directly to us via a digital message that health insurance cover is in place. If you have private health insurance, you must consult a statutory health insurance company and request confirmation of exemption. This will also be reported to us digitally. Information on health insurance during your studies can be found here.
By paying the student union fee, which must be paid before starting your studies and then once per semester, you acquire a semester ticket. This semester ticket entitles you to use local public transport in the area covered by the Landshut Transport Association (LAVV). The semester ticket is printed on the student ID card and must be presented without being asked before travelling. Details can be found here.
The student ID card is sent to you by post before you start your degree programme. You can use your student ID to pay in the canteen or use the 24-hour library, for example. The semester ticket is also printed on the student ID card. The student ID card must be revalidated for the following semester after re-registration. You can find out more here.
For all degree programmes that are not part of the continuing education academy, there are generally no tuition fees. Irrespective of this, the student union fee must be paid once per semester. This solidarity contribution provides financial support for the canteen or the student halls of residence of the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz, for example. The semester ticket is also included. Further information here.
We would like to invite all prospective students to our information events on campus! In addition to the study information day, there are also smaller online and face-to-face events such as the university podcast or the applicant day and much more, where you can get detailed information about degree programmes and Landshut University of Applied Sciences. Our counselling services can also be used for personal consultations at any time.
At the start of their studies, our first-year students are warmly welcomed and provided with all the necessary information. You will be given an introduction to how the university platforms work, the lecture timetable, the Studium Generale and much more!
BAföG is administered by the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz. This is located in Regensburg. You can either go there directly or contact the BAföG counselling centre of the Studentenwerk N/O in the E building.
Landshut University of Applied Sciences and the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz offer students free psychological counselling in difficult life situations. You are welcome to get in touch with the contact persons at any time.
Attractive companies advertise study-related jobs such as internships, student traineeships and entry-level positions on the university job exchange. In addition, the part-time job exchange offers a variety of mini and holiday jobs to finance your studies.
The Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz currently manages three public student halls of residence in the immediate vicinity of the university. There are also six other halls of residence run by private organisations. More information here.
Information for students
If you have any questions about the degree programme, the Central Student Advisory Service, the Student Advisory Service and the faculty will be happy to help you at any time. You can also find out more about the degree programme at events such as study information days, taster days, etc.
Read moreFurther information for prospective students
If you are interested in the degree programme, please contact the following contact points if you have any questions before starting your studies: