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Protection concept

The protection concept contains specific measures that help to ensure that abuse of power, boundary violations, discrimination, sexual harassment and any form of violence in analogue and digital speech and actions are excluded. Respectful interaction is practised at our faculty.

Drei Personen sitzen in einem Gebäude an einem Tisch auf Stühlen und schauen sich an.

The flyer "Your rights and your protection" gives students an overview of their personal rights on campus and informs them about contact and help options on site and in the city of Landshut.

LINK to the flyer "Your rights and your protection"

The Code of Conduct defines and strengthens the rights of students. It was drawn up on the basis of the Code of Conduct. It provides teaching staff, all faculty members and teaching assistants with certainty and guidance. The Faculty Council has discussed the Code of Conduct and welcomed it as a basis for trusting cooperation.

The Code of Conduct is currently still being revised.

If you experience injustice, make use of counselling services and defend yourself!

Internal university contact points

External, anonymous contact points

  • Psychological counselling Studentenwerk Niederbayern: psychologische-beratung(at)
  • L.I.S. Landshut Intervention Centre for Domestic and Sexualised Violence:
  • Weißer Ring - Landshut branch office management: 0151/55164835
  • Crisis service Bavaria: 0800/6553000

All of the named centres will help you in cases of discrimination, harassment in any form, abuse of power, boundary violations, violence, etc. The centres are subject to a duty of confidentiality and guarantee the self-determination of those affected.

The specific measures must be made available to all faculty members, lecturers and employees and must remain under discussion and visible. The measures are integrated into the ongoing processes and everyday life on campus as follows:

  • Rights flyer:
    It is available at central locations of the university (canteen, library, StuV), it can be accessed online, it is included in the starter pack for first-semester students.
  • Behavioural traffic lights:
    They are displayed in the D building both in the entrance area and in the corridors and can be accessed on the faculty website.
  • Code of Conduct:
    It is handed out to lecturers, staff and teaching assistants with further information material when they start work at the Faculty of Social Work.
  • Feedback box:
    It is advertised in the flyer, presented to students at the start of the semester, the StuV provides information and refers to it via its communication channels.

Feedback box

Students have the opportunity to send complaints, criticism, problems and praise directly to the Women's Representative and the Diversity Representative via a contact form. The feedback box supplements the "Suggestions for improving the Social Work and Diversity degree programme" mailbox.

Click here for the feedback box