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Information from the Faculty of Social Work

Our faculty journal is published every six months and offers a comprehensive insight into past activities of the faculty members as well as current research projects of the professors.

In our journal we report in detail on past excursions and study trips at home and abroad. These examples not only illustrate the importance of practical relevance in teaching, but also show the active involvement of students at specialist conferences, which make an important contribution to practical training.

Drei Personen sitzen in einem Gebäude an einem Tisch auf Stühlen und schauen sich an.

SoziaLAktuell - Information from the Faculty of Social Work

15th issue SoziaLAktuell

14th issue SoziaLAktuell

13th issue SoziaLAktuell

12th issue SoziaLAktuell

11th issue SoziaLAktuell

10th issue SoziaLAktuell

9th issue SoziaLAktuell

8th issue SoziaLAktuell

7th issue SoziaLAktuell

6th issue SoziaLAktuell

5th issue SoziaLAktuell

4th issue SoziaLAktuell

3rd issue SoziaLAktuell

2nd issue SoziaLAktuell

1st issue SoziaLAktuell