Social work research is of particular importance to us in the further development of social work as a profession and an independent science of action. Using modern empirical methods, we develop insights and new knowledge about how to overcome and prevent social problems. We always focus on the interrelationship between the individual and society as well as the many associated issues of social change and social cohesion. We see ourselves as researchers in application and fundamental issues and our projects contribute to both the practice and foundation of social work.

Teaching research skills in university teaching is a particular concern of ours. We enable our students to deal competently with their own research and knowledge production. We also see this as a significant contribution to the acquisition of competences for professional practice, such as an open attitude towards other perspectives or the ongoing critical reflection of one's own and others' practice. In this way, we contribute not only to the development of the profession as a discipline, but also to the individual professionalisation of our students.

IKON Research Institute
Lecturers from the Faculty of Social Work are involved in the interdisciplinary Institute of Social Change and Cohesion Research (IKON).
The institute deals with the societal challenges of socio-economic change in various research projects and consists of over 25 members.
More information here
We support young academics by advising and supporting those interested before and during the doctoral phase.
We regularly organise information events for students at the Faculty of Social Work who are interested in doing a doctorate.
More information here
Research ethics
Ethical guidelines ensure that research in social work is conducted fairly and responsibly. They protect the rights and well-being of research participants.
More information here