International activities

International activities
Study trip to Indonesia, February 2020
From 15 February to 1 March 2020, 12 students from the Bachelor's degree programmes in Social Work and Social Work in Child and Youth Welfare, accompanied by Prof. Dr Sigrid A. Bathke and Prof. Dr Mechthild Wolff, went on an excursion to Indonesia. The aim was to gain an insight into local social work as well as the social and cultural framework conditions.
Study trip to Scotland, January 2017
For 12 students, accompanied by Prof Dr Mechthild Wolff, it was a wet and cold, but nevertheless exciting trip to a nearby country, which is nevertheless set up very differently in social work than we know it. Two visits and discussions with professionals in social organisations in and around Edinburgh were on the agenda each day.
Study trip to Israel, February 2014
Study trip to Israel in February 2014 for the third group of students on the Social Work in Child and Youth Welfare degree programme. The student group visited various organisations, foundations and projects in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and the surrounding area that work with children, young people and their families in Israel. The students have summarised some of their impressions in this short report.