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Media and Communication Management

Engage in dialogue with employees, influencers and investors. Creating presentations, videos, podcasts and events. Answering questions in crises. This is what communication managers do in companies. The Bachelor's degree programme in Media and Communication Management provides the know-how, strategies and techniques for this. It combines corporate communication with business management fundamentals in a unique way and thus optimally prepares students for the modern world of media.

Start Winter semester
Admission Criteria1
Application period -
Study format Full time, with in-depth practical experience
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration7 Semester

Marketing & Sales Management

As a branch of business administration, marketing & sales management is based on the fundamental idea of marketing and is responsible for consistently aligning the entire company with the needs of the market. It involves product and pricing decisions, communication and negotiation with relevant market participants as well as sales orientation towards the sales markets.

Presentation of the competence module Marketing & Sales Management

Contents Marketing & Sales Management I

  • - Communication & content strategies
  • - Project work around the topics of customer/stakeholder communication
  • - Data and tech-driven marketing and communication approaches

Contents Marketing and Sales Management II

  • Sales and eCommerce
  • Practical projects on the topics of customer acquisition and AI in the customer processes of marketing, sales and service
  • Excursions into current marketing topics such as sustainability marketing or predictive analytics in pricing


  • - Deepening and expanding the content of the basic lectures
  • - Application of the content to practical examples
  • - Discussion of current trends in marketing, communication & sales
  • - Teaching methodological and research skills

Elements of teaching

  • - Lecture units
  • - Case studies and exercises
  • - Practical projects
  • - Guest lectures and excursions
  • - Presentations with moderated discussion and, if applicable, practical panel
  • - Scientific research work

Responsible for the Competence module Marketing and Sales Management

Prof. Dr. Sandra Gronover
Prof. Dr. Martina Mitterhofer

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Martina Mitterhofer

Academic advisor