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Drei Personen sitzen in einem Gebäude an einem Tisch auf Stühlen und schauen sich an.

Excursions and study trips

Excursions and study trips can be financially supported by study grants. More detailed information will be provided by the organiser before the trip.

In addition to the completed and signed form, the following documents must also be submitted with each invoice:

  • Ticket / receipt / invoices
  • Proof of payment for each expense to be reimbursed
    (e.g. bank statement / PayPal proof)
  • Declaration of withdrawal if the payments were made from a third-party account.
    -> This means that the person holding the account must declare in writing that we are authorised to pay you the costs incurred.

General information on what usually cannot be financed:

  • Seat reservations for flights
  • taxi rides
  • Single rooms

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Andrea Räbiger (