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Support association for the promotion of entrepreneurship

The support Association "Förderverein für Unternehmergeist der Fakultät Betriebswirtschaft der Hochschule Landshut e.V." was founded in 2014 to support the sustainable promotion and development of an entrepreneurial mindset at Landshut University of Applied Sciences, in particular at the Faculty of Business Administration. The association, which is entered in the register of associations, is based at the Faculty of Business Administration at Landshut University of Applied Sciences and is recognised as a non-profit organisation.

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The aim of the association is to contribute both ideally and materially to the promotion of entrepreneurial thinking. The association's main concerns include

  • Supporting innovative didactic concepts: Promoting students' networked and independent thinking.
  • Anchoring entrepreneurial thinking: sensitising students to entrepreneurial issues.
  • Promotion of start-up-related events: Supporting events and initiatives that deal with business start-ups.
  • Cooperation with companies in the region: Strengthening cooperation between the university and the regional economy.
  • Exchange with business and politics: Promotion of dialogue on topics such as innovation, business start-ups and sustainability.
  • Co-operation with other universities and institutions: Cooperation in line with the association's objectives.

Non-profit status

The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the German Tax Code. It is therefore selflessly active and does not pursue any commercial interests of its own. The association's funds are raised through contributions, donations and other donations and are used exclusively for statutory purposes. Donations are therefore very welcome! A corresponding donation receipt for tax purposes can be issued.

Organs of the organisation

The bodies of the association are the General Meeting and the Executive Board.

The Board of Directors currently consists of

  • Chairman: Prof. Dr Bernd Mühlfriedel, CFA
  • Deputy Chairman: Prof. Dr Martin Prasch
  • Treasurer: Katrin Barth, StB
  • Secretary: Ursula Bücherl

Contact us

If you would like to support us or have any other questions, please feel free to contact us:

Förderverein für Unternehmergeist der Fakultät Betriebswirtschaft der Hochschule Landshut e.V. 
Am Lurzenhof 1
84036 Landshut

Contact persons