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Internship abroad

With an internship abroad, students can strengthen their intercultural skills as well as their independence and resilience, making them fit for the labour market. They can also learn different ways of working in different cultural contexts. Here students can find all the important information about the compulsory internship abroad in the Bachelor of International Business Administration as well as the voluntary internship abroad in all other Bachelor's degree programmes in the Faculty of Business Administration.

Vier Personen sind zu sehen, drei davon sitzen und eine steht zwischen ihnen Die Person die rechts außen sitzt hat ein Tablet in der Hand, die restlichen Personen schauen in das Tablet hinein..

Compulsory internship abroad in the Bachelor of International Business Administration

As part of the Bachelor's degree programme in International Business Administration, the practical semester must be completed abroad. The current presentation shows when is the right time to do this, which regulations must be observed for the progression of studies, where abroad the internship can take place in order to be recognised, which activities in the company make sense, how the internship is best prepared, how students can find an internship and how the internship must be documented.

The information sheet on the work placement location must be completed by the company providing the work placement.

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Voluntary internship abroad

It is also possible to complete the compulsory internship abroad in all other Bachelor's degree programmes. With an internship abroad, students can strengthen their intercultural skills as well as their independence and resilience, making them fit for the labour market.

Support with planning an internship abroad

In addition to the faculty, students are also supported in financial and organisational matters by the International Office.

All information from the International Office

Important documents for the mandatory internship

Students can find all information about the practical semester on the practical semester page: from the information event, the internship guidelines, sample contracts and registration for the practical course.

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